Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Some people just don't like some people.

     My former husband, said to me for three decades, "That's why people don't like you, Kristina." I heard so much that I began to dislike myself to the point of self-hatred.  I also heard it  so often from my mother, who never liked me, my siblings, who never liked me, besides my husband of three decades, who never liked me, and I felt it from the other man I thought I wanted to marry. So, I asked GOD, "Why don't people like me?" Here is the answer I think I got from the Holy Spirit: 

     "Some people don't like passionate people. Some people don't like those who go all in when they believe in something.  Some people don't like some people who love as deeply as you do, because that kind of devoted love they think they can never match.  Take heart, dear child, here is another  list of some people that some people don't like."

     Abraham, who had the courage to confront GOD about wiping out Sodom and Gomorrah, knowing his nephew and his family lived there.

     Sarah, who wanted Abraham to get rid of the slave woman and her illegitimate son when he taunted her son, who was the son of promise.

     Rebekah, who was barren, when  she confronted her husband to demand that he demand YHWH to give her a child, Who in turn gave her two. One would be the father of many, in fact a whole tribe of them. 
     Jacob, who confronted Laban for the way he swindled him out of twenty years of hard labor. He also wrestled with GOD, and refused to give in, until the ANGEL OF THE LORD gave in and let him be on his way, after maiming him. 

     Moses, now there was a confrontational man. First he killed an Egyptian for beating up a Hebrew, then he had the gall to return to Egypt forty years later to demand that Pharaoh release his "free" labor force and set GOD's people free from their slavery.

     Caleb demanded the best of the best of the land in the promise land, because Moses promised it to him. Then, at eighty-five-years-old, attacked and conquered the people of that land.

     Gideon, least of the least, who was also what the angle of the LORD called a valiant warrior, who while hiding from the Midianites in a wine press, later had the courage and nerve to take down the altar of Baal as well as the Midianite's Asherah pole. He then took on an army of just 300 men to the camp of 132,000 Midianites with some lamps and pitchers to destroy that nation and force there out of the land of the Israelites, given to them by Elohim.

     Samson..., okay, let's skip that one!

     Ruth, who boldly refused to return to the land of Moab, choosing instead to remain with the mother of her dead husband to travel to a foreign land, where she knew she would be considered and "abominable" foreigner.

     Samuel, who confronted King Saul who could have had him killed by denouncing him as an illegitimate king, and that the Most High would dethrone him and give the throne to a man after GOD's own heart, which would have to be a passionate heart, as He is a passionate and jealous GOD.

     David who was a fugitive for eight plus years, because he was favored of GOD, and hated by the human King Solomon. 



     Solomon, when given a choice between riches and GOD's wisdom to rule a nation, Solomon chose wisdom, which in turn got him into much trouble, because that kind of wisdom brings on much sorrow, and a human is just not capable of carrying that which Yehovah GOD carries.

     Hezekiah, who saw how far GOD's people had fallen, and he instituted reforms, taking down all the high places the people had built to sacrifice to foreign gods, which were not gods at all.

     Josiah, a young king, who when the Law was found hidden in the Temple, tore his clothes, covered himself in ashes, and insisted that the people repent of worshiping other gods, and he then re-instituted the Passover and other Levitical feast.

     Of course, there's Jeremiah, Isaiah, Amos, Micah, Zephaniah,  Obadiah, Joel, Nahum, Habakkuk, Ezekiel, Hosea, who married a prostitute, then bought her back after she strayed.  Daniel and his three friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who defied two kings' royal decrees.  After the exile, there was Zechariah, Malachi, Haggai.  Jonah and Job are my favorites, because both rebelled against GOD in word, and for Jonah, in deed.   


     Mordecai who refused to leave the kings gate, ratted out some treasonous plotters bent on killing King Ahasuerus, a Babylonian king, nonetheless, then put his cousin, the queen in her place when she refused to go to the king to save her people. Then had the gall to put the Queen in her place and remind her of her humble beginnings. 

     Judas Maccabees, who infuriated by Antiochus IV of Epiphanes slaughtering an unclean animal in the Sacred Temple of the LORD, on the Altar, nonetheless, led a rebellion that is remembered every Hanukkah to commemorate the deliverance of GOD's people from the type and shadow of who will be the next anti-Christ.

     Shall I mention Jesus, who confronted the Pharisees for three and a half years over their hypocrisy and abandonment of the true letter of the Law, and was crucified because of that, or does that not need to be mentioned, because it's quite obvious? I did just mention it, didn't I? That crucifixion ended the devil's reign on  all those who look to Yeshua HaMashiach as their Savior from death and hades.

     Peter, a man who could not stop putting his foot in his mouth, who had the nerve to rebuke the Son of GOD who prophesied about his impending death. Then, he claimed he would defend Jesus to the death, if need be, when he told them that he would be handed over to the "authorities" to be flogged and killed. Yeah, that promise didn't go as planned.

     And last, but definitely not least, the obnoxious, Jesus-hating, Apostle Paul, who was hell-bent on killing all the followers of The Way, until Jesus stopped him cold dead in his tracks and blinded him to the lie, while opening his eyes to the truth.

     Well, after all those examples, I can see why people don't like me.  Some people just can't handle those who go all in.  Mediocre is all they want.  My former husband always said his favorite verse was about just living a quiet peaceful life, avoiding all conflicts.  (That is his whole understanding of the Whole Counsel of GOD)  I question the "holiness" of the life he is living now, with another woman to whom he is not married. 

    I have heard it said that if one is really walking closely with GOD, then people will either hate you or love you.  The ones who hate you are the ones who wish they were walking the same way you were, and were as close to YHVH GOD themselves, or those who have not been chosen and remain on the road to destruction.  Yet, the ones who love you are walking that closely and can spot a fellow chosen servant with a specific duty to reach people.  Contrary to popular opinion, if people just like you, then likely you are doing it wrong!  Jesus called "liked" people, vomit.  Revelation 3:16. 

Take heart dear confrontational sister or brother, GOD made you that way, because He has a great plan for you!   

    Take it to the proper place, Facebook!       Everyone says never to air our dirty laundry publicly on Facebook or social media, but I th...