Saturday, September 17, 2022

 The Eye is Coming 

Revelation: 6 Next I watched as the Lamb broke the first of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living beings say in a thundering voice, “Go!” 2 I looked, and there in front of me was a white horse; its rider had a bow and was given a crown; and he rode off as a conqueror to conquer.

The word conquer has negative connotations to the New Testament church, because they don't understand the true definition of the word. They automatically assign an evil adaptation to the word because of their misunderstanding of not only the Hebrew Scriptures and history, but their erroneous interpretation of the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. President Trump has indeed, conquered GOD's enemies for a time. Although, the general public cannot see his victory, it will surely manifest itself in due time, in GOD's appointed time.

I do believe, with my whole heart, that President Trump is the prophesied rider on the white horse. White stands for truth, therefore, there is no way that the anti-christ would be on a white horse. A white horse is for Biblical heroes, and even though they aren't written about in historical Scriptures, they do still, in fact, exist and are carrying out YHVH GOD's true Biblical plan today. If Yeshua will eventually come riding on a white horse, than there is no way the New Testament Church's version of the anti-christ would be riding a white horse in that Scripture passage. The New Testament church has it all wrong.

Note in the Scripture, it says that he was GIVEN a crown, in other words, elected. He had a bow but no arrows, hence, he conquered without a "brown" war, not with violence, but with truth. President Trump and the true patriots have conquered the deep state criminals, the worldwide global elitists who planned pure evil with their World Economic Forum and the Great Reset, which in turned, brought about the our wonderful Great Awakening. We had slowly been fed the kool-aid of their lies over the decades through corrupt Hollywood movies, television shows, and of course the manufactured propagandized fake news. Donald John Trump came revealing the truth about their deception at a time like this, one designated by the Holiest of Holies, the Sovereign Ruler of the universe. This was planned and prophesied about thousands of years ago in Old Testament Scriptures, and it can be found, if one knows how to properly read OT prophecy. We learned through Q posts that future proves the past, and that is how we also need to read OT prophecy. We can't read the newspaper and then associate OT prophesy with what we see with our eyes. Trust me when I say, you cannot trust man's interpretation of future events. This isn't the "Great Tribulation" as the doom and gloom, uninformed, and Biblically illiterate New Testament church keeps warning us about, no, it's something that they never saw coming.

When I first started writing, I was convinced that I had to be very careful what I wrote. I wanted to make sure that it was accepted by the accepted (man's) doctrine of the New Testament church. I assumed, as most do, that the church's official timeline of the end had to be correct because so many Biblical scholars had said it was so for dozens of decades. This man IS a Biblical hero prophesied about, and he will usher in a time of unprecedented peace and prosperity. It will be a world unknown by men before us.

Unfortunately, the victory that we are about to experience is only the temporary calm in the eye of a hurricane. The back wall of a hurricane is usually far worse than the beginning of the swirl of a hurricane force, hence, the tribulation and then following wrath of GOD, the bowl judgments, the seal judgments, and the trumpet judgments will follow the wonderful sunny calm that we will experience. How long does this wonderful peace of the eye last? I do not know, however, YHVH always repeats Himself, hence if Joseph reigned over a seven year abundance, we can probably assume at least that many years or decades, or in the multiple of a seven. None of really knows.
“The time is coming,” says Adonai Elohim, “when I will send famine over the land, not a famine of bread or a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of Adonai. Amost 8:11
There will come after that a spiritual famine, just like there was a famine of food in the book of Genesis, one that Egypt, (which always represents the world, did not suffer) under the protective rule of Joseph as prime minister, who planned ahead. Hence, YHVH's true Remnant will not suffer that spiritual famine, on the contrary, it will thrive. I'm not talking about the New Testament Church, I'm speaking of the Ecclesia, the called out ones, the two houses of Israel which YHVH GOD is now uniting, the dry bones. (Ezekiel 37)

    The Amos prophecy could be on the backside of the eye wall of the "hurricane," or time of Jacob's Trouble, as the Hebrew Scriptures call it.  The New Testament church calls it the Tribulation, but I do believe that they have it wrong, and their narrative of how the end times will play out is incorrect.

    I'm not one to predict dates, times or years, but I can see the writing on the wall. Yes, pun intended. The evil time to come will be far worse than the evil we have seen and experienced these past few decades, and there is one reason for that, and that is because we as a contemporary society would not dream of doing what the ancient new rulers did back in the "old" days, when a new king was appointed or ruled over the northern kingdom. He usually killed off any remaining descendants of the previously ruler. I'm not suggesting we execute the families of those will eventually pay the due price for the evil and treasonous acts they have committed, but you can count on their offspring to get revenge of the good people for ending their family dynasties.

      THE FRUITS OF MY LABOR: And no one understands this better than an octomom!

     Sometimes, my own stupidity amazes even me.  I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, why even the butter knives laugh at me.  I am so amazed at the patience of the Almighty who continually puts up with the idiotic behavior I sometimes exhibit, okay, I usually exhibit.  I complain constantly about my own personal trauma when I know darn well that He has assigned me a job that is so much bigger than myself and my own petty problems.  I had been sleeping the day away, because I became so self-absorbed in my personal trauma, again. That was until I had this horrible nightmare. I woke up from it, knew it was from GOD, but couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was about, but I knew it was from YHVH GOD.


I was pregnant at this late age, I gave birth, but the hospital took the baby from me, not letting me see it, or know if it was a boy or girl, and told me to go home, and when the baby was ready to come home, they would call. I went home, went about taking care of my eight children, and forgot about the baby for weeks. When I called the hospital, they said there was no record of me giving birth, but they would get back to me. Again, months went by, and I remembered the baby, again. It was then that I realized the hospital had stolen my baby for the black market. I knew no court in the land would side with me, because I had forgotten about my baby for months. I couldn't stop crying and had to have one of the kids dial my phone to get their father over here. I called him to come over so we could go to the hospital together, but then the pipes burst in my upstairs master bathroom.

Strange, huh? Well, just doing the dishes, the Holy Spirit said to me to think about it. What have I been neglecting? My writing, my assignment as a writer for the despaired. My ninth baby is my job as a writer. The books are the baby. I can't see the results of the books, because I won't be here to see the fruit of my labor. It is my fondest desire for the LORD to take me out of this world before He takes the words I have written world-wide. The last thing I want is fame or notoriety in this world where everyone pretends to be someone famous. No one pretends to be a dead person, well, unless you're voting democrat. Sorry, couldn't resist.

I'm so stupid most of the time. I haven't quite figured out the pipes bursting, maybe that's the cancer, which will be my Ticket Home, keeping me from getting to the hospital to retrieve the "fruits of my labor."

ADDENDUM: November 12, 2024, I just figured out what the pipes bursting is. Daggone it, it's not cancer, it's this brain aneurysm in my head that I was diagnosed with a few months ago. Makes sense, huh? GOD taking me out quick with one killer headache. Pun intended.

LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS: Is that why we are born?       A while back, I remember reading about how it's human nature ...