Friday, November 12, 2021

Sometimes Insomnia is From That Dreaded Menopause, Other Times, It's Class Time with GOD.

     First, GOD opens my spiritual eyes to a truth inside His Word but outside the church box. Second, He gives me the faith to believe it is from Him directly, because He proves that it fits historically, and how it reflex His character and tradition from the OT stories and heroes.  Hence, enter the "GOLIATH" What did Goliath do? He challenged the army of the LORD. He used his great height, might, fortitude and military training to intimidate the soldiers. 

     Here is the key, he let his "history" testify to his odds at winning in battle against any Israelite Soldier. There was another who did that and drowned Judah with fear, including the King. Who was that? What did he do? He used his historical military triumphs to invoke fear and take Judah's eyes off what the LORD had been constantly teaching them outside the "church" box for even then. Who was it? Sennacherib. 

     What did the King of Judah do? He laid prostate before the LORD and showed the threats to the LORD at the Temple. Because King  Hezekiah took his fear to the proper place, GOD answered Sennacherib and let him know just Who granted him his past victories. He also prophesied about Sennacherib future and demise at the hand of his own sons.  That's what GOD calls putting a hook in the nose of the arrogant who refuse to give credit Where credit is due. The answer came directly from GOD through the prophet Isaiah, one of GOD"s greatest.

     Likewise, GOD isolated David from his brothers who lived out their father's traditions. GOD watched over David while he was the rejected brother. All of that isolation taught David to hear only the voice of YHWH instead of paying more attention to tradition and history. Why was he rejected? Many Rabbinic teachings suggest that David wasn't a full bred of Jesse and his wife, and that was why he wasn't invited to the original dinner with the Seer Samuel. They teach he may have been the son of a harlot, concubine, or even adulterous affair of Jesse's wife. He was thought of as a second-hand son. He was number EIGHT. What does the number eight mean? New beginnings.

     Here's the point. GOD will choose a person. He will watch over that rejected person and open his/her eyes to teachings that surpass tradition and aren't limited to the church box. Then GOD will give that person a Supernatural faith like He gave to David to believe that GOD will do it. While that man/woman of faith is waiting for GOD to do what He showed his unspoken hero just what He can and said He will do with him/her, history, tradition, and naysayers scream into the ears of the woman or man of Supernatural faith, and that hero starts listening more to the naysayers.  He/she then will start to focus on his/her previous history and how nothing that great ever happened to or for or from them before like that, and he/she loses his or her faith that he or she was chosen for anything.

     Does this describe you? Likely, not, because most of you all are happily and soundly sleeping, while we ADHD'ers are up in the middle of the night, not able to sleep, because GOD has another lesson from His Seminary for us.  Too many people will settle for mediocre because it's comfortable, or they don't want to look like a freak  Like Terah, Abram's father, they are okay with "settling in Haran," halfway to the destination.  After that, GOD passes the torch on to another, who He knows will complete the journey.  The rest of the way is the most arduous part of the journey.  It's the road less traveled.  

     The Valley of Achor is what is between us and the promise land, and there's not a more depressing place than the Valley of Achor.  That's when GOD has to step in and give us a push.  There are very few of us fearful/doubting "Biblical" heroes out there. Time and tradition and the naysayers of the world chase us off path on to a  battlefield, and we put on Saul's Armor, until we realize, Saul's armor doesn't fit us.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

When You Think You Are The Most Useless, That's When GOD Can Make You the MOST Useful.  

       I just got home from taking my number 7 to her specialist (doctor). (No I didn't drive like this, her father drove us!)   Holding my head up hurts so bad.  We take for granted just how strong our neck muscles and skeletal system is until it doesn't work right, anymore.  It's amazing just how heavy the human skull is.   Narcotics give us a false sense of well-being, and we don't let our bodies convalesce naturally. Having to have used them so many times in my life,  I hate them.  Withdrawal is HELL on earth, let me tell you.  I would so much rather be in pain.   I have learned that physical pain is GOD's way of saying, "Go lay down so you can convalesce."  I'd MUCH rather be able to put together a sentence and remember what I said or wrote.  BUT, I hate hate hate hate not being useful right now.

     Emotional pain is just like physical pain. It's GOD saying, "Go and 'rest' and convalesce in My Word, because your healing is in there. It may take longer than you like, but I have a plan and I AM going to do it My way on My timetable, so that's it. You can't change it, that's the way it is, accept it, and convalesce while I work out My plan!"

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Thank the LORD for small miracles and Praise Him Greatly for the HUGE ones,

     This blog is going to be a short one, because I cannot sit up very long, but I think on this day, I just have to write it. I've spent the last seven years cutting to pieces my ex-husband. Well,  GOD finally got to me to show me that I have one of the best ex-husbands a woman could have.
     Here is a brief history:  February 17, 1985 he asked me to marry him. November 9, 1985 he married me. February 17, 2021 he dragged me into divorce court. Today, of course is the first wedding anniversary that we are not legally wed.  I cried today, I cry every year on this day for the last seven years when he told me he was divorcing me a week before our 29th annivsary.

     This year has been a really rough one for me, as far as my old bones.  I have an old neck, thanks to degenerative disk disease and maximum dosages of radiation on both sides of my neck seven years ago.  I needed a new neck, and I've been pretty incapacitated since the end of July.  

   My ex-husband came to my rescue late at night and brought me to another ER om another hospital in this area and insisted that I get a second opinion.  Long story short, my wonderful Dr. O from Jessamine Medical Clinic made several calls for me and found me a surgeon who would give me a "new neck." 
    I found out that on the day of the surgery, my ex-husband called my son several times asking about me and the surgery. He kept calling for updates for the next two days.  I don't remember much of those days, but I know I spoke with him several times. October 23, He showed up early in the morning to wait for my discharge so he could bring me home. He waited all day with me.  He wanted to be the one who brought me home from the hospital. My three youngest who were left in charge of my care, told me that Dad practically carried me up the stairs at 9 pm.  I don't remember any of that.  

 He gave them strict instructions and there were were militant about every detail he gave them. For ex-husbands, he's not so bad. He brought me to the ER when I had a bad allergic reaction to something they gave me. When they asked his relation to me, he said, "I'm her husband."  Each trip to the ER this year, he said that without flinching.  It touched my heart. 

     He didn't want to say ex, because he's not a bad guy, he's a good one who cares about me.  I'm not going to complain. I will cry, but won't complain.  I hate that he's wanted out of the marriage, but this man still comes through when the rubber needs to hit the road, and he's at my house in a jiffy, getting me to whatever hospital or doctor's office I need to go. GOD kept  just enough love in that man's heart, that this weekend, I realized just what a blessing that man has been to me for 36 years, well, 37 if you count today, because it was 37 years ago today that we had our first date! 

    Take it to the proper place, Facebook!       Everyone says never to air our dirty laundry publicly on Facebook or social media, but I th...