Thursday, May 7, 2020

Don’t feed the elephant in the pond.

There’s an expression about an elephant in the room and most people understand its meaning.  The elephant is that thing that is constantly on everyone’s mind, but no one wants to mention it. Well, I had an elephant in the pond. There’s an elephant in the room of my life and I can’t seem to get around it. It keeps rushing me. Jesus is bigger than the elephant, and He will use whatever means He needs to use to send me a message above and around the elephant. The elephant is still there, but I can hear Jesus voice of reassurance when I stop looking at the elephant, but just listen for GOD’s voice.
Nightmares,. I’m plagued with them. If I go to sleep and silence befalls the room, guaranteed, I will have a nightmare. It happens all the time. This is why I put my sermon playlist on when I’m going to sleep, if Jesus is being preached or Christian music is playing, I am under GOD’s protection and the enemy cannot torment me in my sleep.  Sometimes, however, the nightmares are from GOD. Well, I had an elephant in a pond.
I had one the other day and I woke up with my heart racing.  You know those dreams when you’re screaming but no sound is coming out, but you are screaming with every bit of emotional energy you have.  I dreamt that I went somewhere with my ex and a few of my other children, but I left one of my children home, she’s twelve. I didn’t mean to be gone all day, but it turned out that way.  I felt guilty and when we pulled up in the street (of our old home, by the way)  a bad feeling came over me.  Melanie’s friend was standing on the sidewalk with a look of terror on her face.  She was shaking and terrified.  I asked her,
“Where’s Melanie!  Her voice kept breaking as she tried to tell me what happened. I kept yelling at her, “Where’s Melanie!” 
Then in tears she said. “She went in the water she was just  exploring. She went in the water.”  She looked up into my eyes and I knew what was coming next. “She didn’t come up.”
I froze, I thought, “Oh GOD! This can’t be happening to me.”  I started running toward the pond with a trail of people behind me, screaming for help, telling someone to call 911. 
I reached this tiny pond, no bigger than my front yard. I knew it was deep, and I couldn’t decide whether or not to jump in and search for her. I was so afraid of finding her dead body. I was terrified. If I jumped in and saw her dead then there’d be no hope, it would be over. As I debated, I saw some sand rising to the top as if it were bubbles.  I thought, “Maybe she’s alive, deep down there and digging her way out…," I froze and I screamed, but I couldn’t decide what to do. I kept seeing the dirt rising, and that gave me hope.  I continued to scream in anguish, then I awoke.
It took me a couple of minutes to get my bearings. Of course, I immediately turned on a sermon and started listening.  A day later, that dream came back to me. My dreams usually do not unless there’s a message from GOD in it.  This one came back and I heard, “Pay attention, Kristina, think.”   I saw the dirt rise to the water’s surface. Then I thought, “maybe she was digging under the pond to get to the other side where there was no water. She must have gotten resourceful and found a pocket of air under the bottom of the pond and she’s digging. “  Then I heard.  “As long as there’s dirt coming up to the surface there’s hope.”  The pieces of the dream kept coming back to me and I understood the correlations.
The murky pond represented my heart drowning in sea of despair, but the pond was so small. In other words, smaller in reality than I am making it.  I was on my old street of the house we lived in eighteen years ago.  Melanie wasn’t even born then.  I knew right away what GOD was trying to show me. “That’s your old life.”
“Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19
I asked GOD, “Of all eight children, why Melanie,”  I took a stab in the dark. I looked up and said to GOD,  “She’s the only one.”  That matter is too personal for a public blog. To put it simple, she’s the only one who touched the elephant.  I truly believe that GOD did indeed send that nightmare. God will use any means He has to either get our attention either to convict us, to strengthen us, or to encourage us and tell us, again for the 16,733 time, “Don’t worry, child. You can keep hoping, there’s hope.”
“And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. And also on My menservants and on My maid servants, I will pour My Spirit in those days. Joel 2:28-29
I guess it’s time to face facts, I’m the “old” category, but there’s hope. In all of this, there has been one promise that GOD gave me at the very beginning of this arduous journey and that was in Joel.
“I will repay the years the locusts have eaten.” 
Let me tell you, I have some pretty fat locusts in my yard, house, and everywhere I look.  So, as long as the dirt is rising to the top of the dark murky pond of despair, there’s hope!

By George, I do believe that there really is a "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"

       One of my favorite times of the day, or rather, night, is about 2:30 am - 3:30 am, and my favorite place is to be out on my back deck, wrapped in an old comforter, under a sky full of stars, while swinging on one of my two deck swings. I stare up into the night sky and have some of my best talks with GOD. Today, He taught me a great truth and a wonderful explanation for these past few horrendous years.
      These last few years the heat in the fiery furnace of affliction has been exceptionally high, so much so that I have 3rd degree burns over 95% of my spirit and soul. Each year has been getting progressively worse than the previous. I've cried an ocean worth of tears and I think maybe Jesus has, also, watching me hurt so much, but tonight, I think I may have seen a great truth.
       You see, I've lived in "Kansas" all my life, gray, boring, but stable Kansas life. It's all I've known, it's all I've ever expected. I never sought more, because I never knew there was a “Somewhere over the Rainbow,” out there for me. God wanted me to know that there really is a "Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, where skies are blue, and troubles melt like lemon drops, and dreams that you dare to dream of really do come true."
   In order to prove to me that it really exists, He brought me there temporarily in my life, mind, heart and dreams. I had heard of that place, believed it existed for some, but never dared to dream that I'd ever leave the gray-scale of "Kansas." I never believed that GOD would color my world with the brilliant spectrum of the spectacular hues of the rainbow.

    At first, I couldn't understand why GOD had shown me such a wonderful place, but then took me away out of it, back to an even darker gray-scale Kansas. Since then, He has kept me trapped here, lost like a needle in a Kansas haystack, not able to find my way out, which has just broken my heart even more until tonight. Then, the light got a little brighter when He opened my eyes to a truth I knew about myself, but always hated.
      I'm so terribly sentimental, probably more than the average woman, and when I love something or someone so deeply, I am unable to stop. I take loss harder than most, and it weighs on my heart like 50-ton weight, trying its best to crush it and bleed it dry. GOD had planned all along to take me out of "Kansas," because He knew I would never leave on my own. Being Who GOD is, as Omniscient, He knew I couldn't take the emotional pain of being ripped from what I've always known and loved, unless, I had a taste of "Somewhere over the rainbow" first.
      I've been watching and choking as my "Kansas" has become a dust bowl. Soon, I will be leaving it for good and the knowledge of that fact has ripped a whole in my heart the size of the black hole way out in the universe. Knowing, however, that a place where skies are blue is just beyond the rainbow of promise, has been my saving grace, helping me to accept the current dust bowl status of my "Kansas" life.

      Sometimes, GOD has to turn up the heat in the fiery furnace of affliction to get us ready to handle "Somewhere over the rainbow," because it's going to take more than just a "Kansas" kinda of girl to be able to handle that place in life and still be able to give GOD all the credit and glory, while enjoying the lemon drops and wishing upon a night sky's worth of stars in that new exciting place. 

Maybe, I won't miss "Kansas" after all.

My Favorite version!  Enjoy!  Somewhere Over The Rainbow 

Monday, May 4, 2020

My Most Favorite Chapter, Straight from the Heart of GOD

     Pardon me, if it seems like I'm pushing LOVE'S MUSES, I'm really not, but I am pushing what it teaches, the magnificent wisdom of GOD when comes to being a success.  All the work we do in our assigned life's work, must be done with the right motivation.  We can succeed in this world, gain world recognition and fame, but, isn't having GOD's recognition for a job well done far better?   So, what is the right motivation?  Why, it's Love's Muses, of course!  So, what is Love's Muses?  

     Only Katie Lynn Moore can explain it best, so, if you want to know what it is, read on, because nobody can perfectly describe the genius of GOD like she can! From my favorite chapter in the entire FIVE-book series that GOD gave me seven years ago:   


(Setting: A restaurant booth on Valentine's night, the struggling country artist shares his fear and worry about his career and keeping up with what is expected of him,  with the kindergarten teacher he just met a couple hours earlier. )

“Lately, I’ve been blank. I figured my career was over, if not plateaued.  I just assumed my magic was gone for good. I thought I had what it took to go all the way. Then I started to think that I dreamed too big, but you put life back into my dreams. You’re my magic, and I know I can do it now with you by my side. I can get to the top, and I’m taking you with me.”
She came out of his arms and turned around to face him. Her look was one of great disappointment.  “Nicolas Paul, I’m not sure whether to hug you or hit you.”
“When one of my kiddos is way off base, sometimes I just want to slap them upside the head and say, ‘What’s the matter with you?’ I can’t because they are just children, so I hug them instead. You are an adult, so I can slap you upside the head.” Nick’s smile left his face, and he was puzzled and worried.
“What did I say wrong?” He asked, scratching his jaw line.  
“So, you are in this business to get to the top. What if I don’t want to go to the top with you?  What will you do when you get there, but work your ass off to stay there? I won’t be there with you, so if I’m your magic buddy, you’re screwed.” She crossed her arms.
“I’m not sure I am following you. Is this because you don’t want the public life, because you hate the publicity? You want that private life with the brief case in the foyer?  Is this the pink slip of rejection that I’m so used to?” 
Katie’s empathy mode went into effect when she saw the look of rejection on his face. It was a look with which she was very familiar. It was also a look of fear that this could be what kept her from him.  She put her hand in his, locking their fingers, causing a tremendous jolt, to reassure him. 
“I’m not rejecting you, my silly giant bucket of untapped gold, I’m rejecting your ideology. Just wanting to get to the top, is not the kind of man I need, or want. I’ve had one of those.”  
“You make it sound so shallow. It’s not like that. It’s the pressure. The pressure to put out a top third album. The pressure to write hit songs, to satisfy the suits.” 
“The suits?”  She asked
“The executives at the record companies, managers, publicists, people who have invested in me. I can’t let them down.” 
“So, you’re working for them in your craft?”
“No, I want to be successful for me, but if I am unable to come up with anything half-way decent for my third album with Capitol records, they may drop me. Since my first number one, over three years ago, I haven’t gotten any higher than number twenty four. I guess I dreamed too big.” 
She felt so bad for what he was feeling. His face was full of worry and downcast. He had smiled all night long, but right now, he was under the weight of the world. She raised his face with her hands, kissed his hands and then hugged him. She lifted his arm and tucked herself into him, again. 
“Okay, my Tremendous Tower of Talent, do you really want to know the secret to success? Do you want some authentic magic?” She turned her head and looked up to him. 
“Yes, of course.” 
“Seriously, Nicolas Paul, do you want to see your craft reach new heights of genius you never thought possible?” 
“Yes, what is it?” He sat up straight with such hope, and she pulled away, turning to face him. 
“Love’s muses.” He tilted his head, and his eyebrows squished together. 
“Excuse me, what the heck is love’s muses?” He asked. 
“You know what a muse is, right?” 
“Yes, it’s something to contemplate, think deeply about.”
“Right and when you think deeply about something, it can be like a motive or inspiration, right?” 
“Yes, I guess it can work that way.” Nick scratched the back of his neck. 
She got back up on her knees, in true teacher form. “Sit back, my statuesque student of style, let this teacher teach. Cindy’s got a lesson for you. Are you ready to lock this up in your heart, Mr. Super-Talent?” 
“I’m all ears, lay it on me, Teach.”  
“Oh hell, you are way more than all ears. For crying out loud, ears don’t shiver me, but some of your other parts could, or would, if I let them,” she said giggling. 
“Stop it. Don’t go there. Give me your magic, your wisdom,” Princess Cindy.
“Now pay attention, my darling six-foot-male-in-baritone-scale. You have been sold a bill of goods. I’m going to ask you a question but I have to clarify something, first. What is your craft, in its purest form?” Nick hesitated, thinking about how important country music is to him and all the aspects of a career in the industry.  “Well, what is it? Just the bare bones.” She asked. 
“Well, I guess it is music, writing, composing and performing,” he said.
“All right, so your craft is music and its expression, right?”
“Yes, exactly.”  
“Good, now we are getting somewhere. Here is the important question that you must answer from your heart. Are you ready?”
“Yes, Teach, lay it on me.”
“Nicolas Paul, do you love your craft?” He shook his head thinking it was too simple of a question. “Well, do you love your craft? Answer the question from your heart.”
“Yes of course, I love it.”
“Well then, good, just love it, damn it.”  She said those words with such conviction and force. Nick had a puzzled look on his face. 
“I do love it, so that’s all, just love it?” He asked. 
“For the most part yes, but let this teacher explain, because that’s what we teachers do. We find fifty ways to teach the same principle until our student gets it. Now, try to follow me. Are you ready?”
“Yes, go ahead,” 
“Nicolas Paul, if you love your craft with everything you have, than that love becomes the muse, or the inspiration for doing your craft. Then because you love what you are doing, you end up loving the creation that came from you doing your craft. When you love what you have created, then your love for that created thing is the muse for you to continue loving your craft. You see, they feed off each other.  Do you understand?”
“I think so.” 
“Okay, point number two, if you love doing your craft, then your muse is that love, and you should be deliriously happy just because you are doing what you love, and because you love what is produced, period.  Do you get that?” 
“Yes, I do, and you are right.” 
“Point number three, because you love your craft so much, you want to share it with others because it makes you so happy. You think that it will make someone else happy. So, now wanting to make someone else happy also becomes a muse for you to love your craft. You find out that your craft did indeed make someone happy, but the truth of the matter is, your craft is doing far more than that. Like you said, an artist loves to know that their craft is making someone happy, or feel better. Not only did you make someone happy, you have relieved a burden, given a blessing, given someone hope, inspired someone to try something, or encouraged a down trodden person.  Right?”
“Yes, that is what I want to do.” 
“Good, so, then you find out that your craft is blessing others. You develop a love for those you are blessing. That love for them now becomes another muse for the love of doing your craft.”  
“I think I’m starting to really get it, Teach.” 
“Don’t interrupt, unless you raise your hand,” she said giving Nick another reason to laugh. 
“Yes, ma’am, I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t call me ma’am either.  Now, where was I? Oh yeah, so now, your love for that person who needed you, is now one of the muses, inspiring you to love your craft all that much more, creating even more wonderful works of art.  You did not become a super talent by yourself. Practice is one thing, but one must have a gift given to them by God. If He gives you a gift, He has a reason for that. He wants you to bless and benefit those he sends to you by doing and loving your craft. When you put the love of others, the ones God sends you as a priority muse for the love of doing your craft, then you are a success in the eyes of God. Matthew says we should strive to learn God’s definition of success, and live with only that goal in mind. When we do that, then we are making God’s view of success a muse for the love of doing our craft. When you are proving to God that you want to be a success in His eyes only, then the brilliance of God will take your craft to new heights of genius you never even knew existed. You will be amazed at what He creates through you working your craft. Being a success in God’s eyes always brings glory to Him, thus bringing glory to God becomes another muse for loving and doing your craft. Now that you’ve seen the genius of God, you want to keep seeing even more genius from Him, so you keep loving and doing your craft, creating even more works of spectacular art.  Are you still following me?”
“Yes, I’m getting it, Teach.” 
“Good, now we are going to review for the pop quiz tomorrow by listing love’s muses. The proper love’s muses are the love of your craft, your craft expressed, the happiness you get from doing what you love, the benefit to those who need your craft, the love of the people who benefit from your craft, the joy knowing you are a success in God’s eyes, the joy of seeing the genius of God and it’s expression through your craft, your constantly renewed love of God and bringing Glory to God through the loving of your craft. Do you understand this?” 
“Yes, I do, and it’s wonderful, it’s perfect.”  
“Now I have one last point to make before class is dismissed, and this is the most important point, so stay with me, okay?”
“I’m here, lay it on me.” 
“If the love of the prize or the rewards or the accolades ever become one of the muses, then you have become a self-serving artist doing it not just because you love it, but you love what it does for you. Your work will always suffer when you do your craft for your own benefit. Unless we put others first and always consider what we can do for others, we will never see the genius of God in our crafts. The numbers on a country chart, the suits as you say, the publicists, the marketing execs, ACM judges measure success by dollars and cents. If you start measuring success by their standards, then you will lose your magic, which is really God’s magic, expressed through you. There is nothing wrong with receiving a reward for work done well, for the right reasons with the right muses. Those rewards are blessings in their purest form. We must be careful, because sometimes those rewards come disguised to trip us up and make us loose our focus on the proper muses, the love of God, and those God sends to us to bless. The suits and marketing people have no clue about God’s versions of love’s muses.”  
“That’s it, that’s what I’ve done wrong.” 
“I’m not finished, stop interrupting the teacher. Wait until I say ‘class dismissed.” Nick put his hands on his mouth and nodded. 
“Okay. Now, sometimes we will even love some who don’t deserve our love, or who throw it away, yet, we are seen even more as a success in God’s eyes whether those Silly Putty people benefit from us loving our craft or not. Blessings depend largely on the receiver to receive and learn from them and thus passing it forward. Silly Putty people don’t get it and usually are just self-serving. They can’t understand the proper muses of love, because they are Silly Putty.  Class dismissed.” 
She got down from sitting on her knees. She sat straight up, put her hands with her fingers locked together on the table and sat quite prim and proper and looked very educational. Nick raised his hand, making Katie giggle. 
“What is it?”
“May I speak now?” 
“Please do, my opulent ornery honor student.” Nick shook his head and cackled. 
“You are so funny and brilliant, and you’ve hit the nail on the head. It’s such a simple yet amazing and insightful truth. I was putting the prize as my muse, Teach. I’ve been a self-serving artist. I forgot my promise to God.” 
“What promise?” She turned her body to face him. 
“I’ve always wanted a career in country music, for as long as I could remember.  One night, when I was near seventeen years-old. I laid in my bed, and I promised God that if he made me a successful artist, I’d write songs that mattered. I promised to do it for Him and the people who needed to receive a message or blessing from the music. I promised to be different and not just write trendy music about whose boots were under whose bed and whose truck was in whose drive.”   
“I thought that about a lot of your music when Julianna turned me on to your talent. I loved that about most of your songs. The lyrics have depth and are character building. I liked that. Your ballads are sweet and tender. Like I said, your music brightened my day, especially when I was stressed.” 
“Thank you Teach, for reminding me of that promise. The last couple of years, I let the approval of the suits and the accolades be my muse. As a matter of fact, lately paying the bills has been one of my muses,” he said with a sad and worried face. 
“Oh, darling, that is a whole different sermon on the Providential provision of God.”
“Teach, you say you weren’t on God’s Christian Cruise Line to Paradise, but it sure sounds like it to me. Love’s muses sounds like the genius of God, so that’s where you had have gotten it.” 
“No, actually, I stole it from Matthew,” she said with a straight face, then snickered. He broke out in a full belly laugh, shaking his head. 
“You funny teacher, thank you for that lesson. You really are magic, my magic, my Cindy’s Magic.” 

“A great song title, again, and you are most welcome. Now, I have a fee I charge for private tutoring, but seeing how this is your first lesson, I will give you a break. After all, you said you are worried about paying your bills, so just consider that lesson a professional courtesy.”  

Just in case you may want to read more:  LOVE'S MUSES: Running From Love

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Good Doubt  -  Bad Doubt  
Is there a difference? 

     As children of the Most High GOD, we are told to not doubt, and made to feel guilty if we do. Is there such a thing as good doubt? The answer is absolutely. I asked GOD, "Why do I doubt all the time? How can you really use me, love me, trust me, want me if I doubt the direction you are giving me? The answer I got was 

     "Child, you know that doubt is good at times, when it sends you into the Word to prove what you hear." I knew that answer was from the Holy Spirit, because it came to me before I even finished asking, and it was wisdom far beyond my limited brain could have thought on my own.  The English language is so boring whereas, Greek and Hebrew have several different kinds of words for our one English word. There is a doubt that really means, "research this," and there is a doubt that mean, "ya, right!" So, doubting is good, if it means seeking more information. 

     The best example we can see would be John-the-Baptist. He was the greatest born of women, Jesus said. Yet, while he was in a dungeon, chained to a wall, he sent his cousin a message, the one he "knew" since he was in the womb. During his despair, he sent his disciples to ask Jesus if he was the One to come, or should we look for another. We are thinking, "Really, John, it's your cousin, you lept in your mother's womb when my mother was in your presence. You baptized him and saw the Holy Spirit descending him. For Pete’s sake, how can you question all this now?”

     Jesus didn't say that, though. He just sent back a confirming answer, not yes or no, but consider the evidence: " Jesus answered and said to them, “Go and report to John what you hear and see: 5 those who are blind receive sight and those who limp walk, those with leprosy are cleansed and those who are deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. 6 And blessed is any person who does not take offense at Me.”"

     John had doubts, because of his dreadful hopeless situation, not because he was cynical, needing to prove Jesus wrong, like the Pharisees. Their doubt was different in tone and inference, theirs was from pride, from a chip on their shoulders that was permanent.  The kind John had comes from a broken contrite heart. Hopelessness and faithlessness are two different things. Hope is a feeling, while faith is fact. We can lose hope without losing our faith. Hope is an emotion and emotions have no intellect, whereas facts are truth, and facts don’t have feelings.

     When hopelessness and fear set with me and I doubt that I'm truly hearing from GOD, I compare it to what I have learned in Scripture. I research and I research until my eyes bleed and my fingers are fused to the keyboard. Life in the fiery furnace of affliction can be exhausting and scorching.  I've spent a lot of years in the Bible, and I'm mean nose to page, so I have a pretty good working knowledge of it, and I know how to get around whe Whole Counsel of GOD.  I know where to go to feed my faith with facts. Eventually, after I overdose with Scriptures that I know are facts, there is a slight whisper of hope that accompanies that faith, until the fatigue sets in. Never believe what you feel when you are tired. That’s the enemies favorite time to attack.

     When we fall in love with someone, what do we do? We study everything about that person, their mannerisms, what makes them tick, how they think, and their history. We fall all over ourselves trying to make them deliriously happy.  Yet when it comes to loving YHWH with all our hearts, souls and mind, we go to church and are spoon-fed a few verses in 43-minute sermon, and we are done for the week. We cannot really determine if we are hearing from GOD if we do that, even if we never miss a sermon. Think back, how many sermons you have heard, how many can you remember all the content? Not very many, huh? Just a few highlights of a good one, right?

     I was married to a cynic. He has always been a cynic. His attitude toward anything I told him that I thought GOD was going to do, his response was always the same. "Well, I guess we'll see if it happens." His cynicalism is a vicious cycle of doubt and disbelief, to complete unfruitfulness in the Kingdom.  It was a cancer in his spiritual life that was terminal.  When his spiritual life died, he walked away from GOD, permanently. His cynicism kept GOD from showing Himself because of chip on his shoulder. If a cynic walks away, in all likelihood, they won't come back. There is a difference between a cynic and a prodigal. The cynic walks away out of disbelief, whereas the prodigal walks away out of hurt and not knowing how to process the emotions, or the event that sent them over the edge.

     When questioning GOD, and it is fully acceptable to do so, you know an answer or direction you feel led is really from GOD if it matches with Scripture, is bathed in Wisdom, and fits in GOD's character. It is probably something you never would have thought up yourself, because it’s way beyond your any human wisdom you have achieved.   I have always said, if you look for GOD everywhere, that is exactly where you will find Him. In other words, the more we pursue the One we love, the more we will hear from Him, learn from Him, see His Hand at work, and know Him intimately. When seeking truth, let Scripture interpret Scripture. One Scripture taken out of context is not proof enough, there must a few more Scriptures in line with the historicity of GOD's dealings with His people. Therefore, one must study the Bible from cover to cover and the historical context. I tell people, if it makes no sense to humans, it's probably from the Almighty. As mere humans, we can never really know the mind of GOD or, understand the ways of GOD.

I'm mad at Hell, and I just can'take it anymore, but, there is nothing that I can do about it!

   I am a writer who hates writing. Yeah, go figure that one! I write not because I want to, but because the fire of the Holy Spirit burns in me if I don't. (Jeremiah had a similar problem. You will find it somewhere around chapter 20) 

 My first marriage, I guess, I consider to be a counterfeit to the real one, the one as me married to Christ. The counterfeit always comes first, that way when the real deal happens, we realize that the first time it was the imitation, the one which was sub par, or at times even, the enemy trying to mess us up and set us on the wrong path. The enemy surely doesn't want us sucking up carpet dust, seeking GOD's comfort and will, does he? No, he will do his best to give us a counterfeit happiness, a counterfeit success, or counterfeit riches (as in $$), because the true happiness, success and riches that come from Jesus are not anything you can accomplish here on earth. Jesus said he came to give us life abundantly, and I'm still trying to figure out what the heck he meant by that, because I'm not living in any kind of abundance, except abundant sadness, failure, and despair.

Like I said before, the devil always starts with a counterfeit movement before GOD's new thing. GOD lets him do it, thus weeding out the ones who really aren't interested in taking in eight glasses of Living Water a day. Yet, I get so frustrated that I cannot contain my anger. These people are following "prophets" who aren't the real deal. How do I know who isn't a true prophet? The biggest way to determine if someone is not a true prophet is that he will not lead people straight to the Word of GOD, but rather his own words he mutters “in the prophetic,” as if they came from GOD. He may well have all the "christianese" of what appears to be a real prophet of GOD, but that's what I call the devil's brownies; lots of chocolate cake and fudge, and just enough dog poop to keep me far from it. So many believe him to be the genuine article, they almost worship him, and even some of his "predictions" may come to pass: Just like Jesus said, that counterfeit signs and wonders would be in the last days. The Bible is replete with counterfeit magic arts, all the way back to Exodus and even n the Acts 16. Paul was confronted by an authentic fortune teller who was a slave girl, who correctly predicted the future for her owners. Paul, rebuked the evil spirit to come out of her thereby, he attributed her power to Satan, not to GOD. The Bible tells us that Satan and his minions come masquerading as angels of light. Only the Biblically illiterate follow and nearly worship the false prophet because some of his predictions come to pass. The rest of us of the authentic Remnant can smell the dog poop in the brownies a mile away.
Sadly, though, most who listen to him do not know that he's not a real prophet of GOD. He doesn't even know that he's not the real deal. That's the thing about false prophets, they don't know they are false prophets. So, if they are convinced they are the real thing, then they are experts at convincing their followers what he himself believes. There is a mass exodus going on from these incorporated business ventures we call "church." That's a good thing, except there are two remnants leaving the church, the small r one and the capital R one. The only way to know the difference is to be like the Bereans in Acts, who fact checked Paul on EVERYTHING. That's why I insist on my readers fact checking me. Don't just take my word for it. Seek out the truth for yourself and let GOD use the Holy Spirit as your guide, the way John said he would in the 1st book of John, somewhere around the 1st or 2nd chapters. (Another major hint) Don't just take your pastor's word for it, because, friends, he may be wrong, but not know he's wrong.
We are supposed to drink eight glasses of water a day, well, might I suggest that we study eight chapters of the Bible a day? Yes, I realize that will take more than one's fifteen-minute devotional that we purpose to squeeze into our busy lives, at least five or six out of the seven days a week GOD has afforded to us. We don't do devotions on Sunday, of course not, because we spend 90 minutes already "going to church," being bottle-fed Scripture, (or spoon-fed for the more advanced church pew warmer) from the man we trust to tell us the truth, the GOD's honest truth, assuming he knows it. If it sounds like I'm being rough on "going to church," yep, I am, because I believe that we have made "going to church" completely unbiblical and nothing like GOD had intended. Spare me the Hebrews 10:25-fall-back verse that people use to “spank me” or rebuke me for rebelling against the establishment.
Hebrews 10:25 is not literally defined as once a week, for 90 minutes, sitting quietly while spectating a carefully orchestrated “worship” service, which really is just a mind-conditioning session, or a brainwashing. I’m speaking in general terms here, so I’m not speaking of all congregations, but the majority of Hebrews 10:25’ers just sit there and let their pastor spoon-feed the Scriptures that he says qualify/justify or just agree with his topical sermon. These days, there are many ways to not give up meeting together, and I do believe this "lockdown" has proven that.
I’ve been to many churches in my 30 years walking with GOD, and I never felt comfortable in any of them, or that I belonged there, especially these past ten years or so. I just never fit in. So, I asked GOD, “Why am I a church hopper, I mean there is nothing more disgraceful as that, so why am I so unsatisfied “at church,” and why do I keep leaving one and going to another, and repeating this same pattern.” I loved His answer, “Have you ever thought that maybe I was the One making you feel uncomfortable there, because I didn’t’ want you in a “church building,” but rather I wanted you learning from Me directly, like Paul did, alone in the wilderness? (Now, go find where that is, Galatians is all the hint I will give you.) And like a good little doobie, I did. Maybe I have a new thing in mind? Maybe the wineskins have gotten old, like they did when Jesus walked the earth, and there’s a new Vine, so I need new wineskins?” (Now, of course, I'm paraphrasing GOD's voice, because GOD's voice sounds much like our own, because the Holy Spirit doesn't have vocal chords. Make sure that "voice" comes straight from Scripture, then you will know it's authentic.)
Wow! That was an original answer, one that no pastor or man would give, so, it must be from GOD.  I see this movement that GOD is going to do, and He calls it, The Remnant (with a capital 'R') .  It's completely Biblical, spoken of in dozens of places in the Old and New Testaments, none more beautifully than in Zephaniah 3.  It's actually not going to be part of the church, but a separate movement, a separate vine/branch from the church, a sprig cut off the top, if you will.  You will find that prophesy in Ezekiel 17.   I do believe that like before, He is going to start all over again, not with His incorporated church, but rather He is going to pull from it.  GOD always starts over, again, when His people become too corrupt, i.e. Noah, Abram, Samuel, and then the exiles, Ezra, Zerubbabel, and Joshua, the High Priest.  
  GOD also always repeats Himself, so if you can find it in the Old Testament, you can call it for the latter days, but in the Spiritual and on a global (bad word, these days) grander scale. 

 It's a beautiful movement, and I see a wonderful last days' spiritual harvest coming from it, however, I may not live to actually see it happen. (As a one-time cancer survivor, I'm well aware that cancer always returns with a vengeance)   I have the detail in my head, and I'm not about to share them, because I’m not a prophet, I’m a theorist.  I theorize, I don’t prophesy.  It's kind of like King David. He was given the blueprints of the Temple that his son was to build, and he held off on sharing those blueprints until the time was right, and he passed them down to his son, Solomon for after he had departed this earth. Solomon got the glory for the building, but David had the original blueprints.  David didn't get the glory for building it, instead, he got labeled, "a man after GOD's own heart."  Now, that's a better glory than building anything.  I sure do hope that when the Remnant is strong, bearing fruit, that someday, after I'm gone, they will say of me, "she was a woman after GOD's own heart."     

God does not fix what's wrong with 
His people, He starts all over again.

        Jesus did not have a mortgage, and he did not incorporate. He did not have office hours, nor did he assign his Apostles as CEO's, telling them to register with the emperor, and be ready to have all their financial records ready to be audited annually. Jesus never asked for money, he healed for FREE. He never pressured his followers to give toward the mortgage fund or a building project so he could expand his ministry. He did not hire a marketing firm to teach his disciples how to be good stewards. He did not initiate a fund raising campaign to increase the size of the campus, so the corporation could expand, and create more programs, branches, and differing kinds of ministries. Jesus did not rely on programs. Jesus did not seek converts, he taught disciples. He certainly did not have super-conferences with guest speakers and a ticket price upwards of near 100 talents.  He even kept the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven a secret from those he knew were in it for only how it filled their bellies.  In Matthew and Luke he said
     "To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted. For whoever has, to him more will shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him. Therefore, I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand."

       He then went on to quote the prophet Isaiah, because Jesus knew intimately what was written in the Old Testament. He not only knew it, he understood it because he inspired it. I once heard an associate pastor at the church I attended say, "The Old Testament is so hard to understand, it's a difficult read and so harsh. Besides, that’s the Law, we are under grace now, so none of it really applies." When I picked my jaw back up off the floor, I gathered my flock, went home and never went back, to any church. His answer was not out of the ordinary, it's what I hear all the time. He is a New Testament Christian, or what I call a carport as opposed to a garage with a brick siding, a foundation and a solid roof, one that does not blow off with a strong wind.
       I’m not any kind of expert in the Old Testament, but I’ve studied it for eight years now, inside, outside and upside down. (A little Dr. Seuss humor there) You know what my friend, in my humble opinion, I actually find MORE grace and mercy in the Old Testament than the New. The Law and the animal sacrifices did NOT save the Israelite's, nor did it cleanse them of sin, it was the grace behind the obedience of the practice of the Law. The sacrifice was supposed to be a reminder of the curse and damage that sin does, and how much GOD hates sin. It was a reminder of Whom they served and Who saved them, as opposed to other pagan religions.

       New Testament Christians say, "We are the church, the bride of Christ, GOD will never abandon us" just like the Jews said, "This is the temple of the LORD, this is the Temple of the LORD, and they thought GOD would never leave it. SURPISE, He did.

       If someone tells you that he/she is a New Testament Christian, well, then you know that you are talking only to a carport with no walls, no foundation, and an aluminum roof that can easily be blown away.  Do not bother to argue with them, because they have their minds made up, and everyone else is wrong. Their pastor told them to be that way, to stand their ground under their carports. We can try to educate them, but most have unteachable hearts from anyone but their CEO/pastor. They are loyal to their corporations, that's for sure. After all, they have invested much of their funds into this capital venture.
      The more we understand the history of GOD's people, the more we can see GOD repeating Himself, over and over, again. The book of Ecclesiastes, lately, has become one of my favorites, because basically it says, “Don’t expect GOD to do anything He has never done before, because there is nothing new under the sun that GOD hasn’t already done.” Yes, you will have to get your Bible out and find that passage, also. The purpose in doing that may just help you find some wisdom GOD wants you to have before and after those verses. GOD's people throughout all generations kept becoming too corrupt to reform or repair.  Over and over again GOD pulled out a remnant and started all over again

     As the metaphor Mama that I am, if you need a picture, I have a good one for you. The church today is like flour. There is all-purpose, there is self-rising, and then there is this “whole-wheat,” that’s really not whole or in it’s original form. No, my friends, the Remnant is the whole grain, straight from the ground, exactly how GOD made it, in it’s original form. It’s not bleached, it’s not ground into fine powder that just becomes dust, rather in it's natural state, it has all the nutrients needed to feed the flock. 

      Where does wheat grow? Does it grow in a building, on a huge cement campus, in programs, does money grow it? It grows where the gospel was meant to go, in the fields, outside where the Wind can take it where the Wind intends for it to go. The pure Gospel is the protein in the whole grain, it’s the muscle that makes the Remnant strong. It’s not supposed to be holed up in four walls and a ceiling, keeping it contained. Jesus said "Go and make disciples," not "gather and convert people." Beloveds,  GOD made sure that the Temple was completely destroyed in AD 70, because the Temple was now the Holy Spirit living in us, and the Temple is meant to have arms, legs, and wheels, and it is supposed to be moving at all times.

    Satan entered the church in the very first century to begin the corruption.  Paul and Peter and Jude all mention false teachers and prophets. The doctrine of Balaam is alive and well and has been since the days in the wilderness.  Corrupt within, because an outside attack is not effective enough.  Christianity today is an offshoot of the corrupt religion invented by  Constantine.  He created his own brand of Christianity, one with the political advantage he needed.  He was just another false convert, using thw work of Yeshua for self-advancement.   He wiped clean any signs or practices of Judaism that GOD Himself ordered and commanded and outlawed all the appointed feasts and the seventh day Sabbath.  Imagine an emperor so bold as to take what GOD instituted and outlaw it in the name of Christ.  Constantine incorporated pagan practices, slapping a Christian name on them, and the corrupt papacy only added to this man-made deliniation of the Word of GOD

    I'm sorry to say, but evangelism has been the downfall of the church.  Satan always takes a little bit of truth and slides in his brand of lies to convince man that he is doing the right thing  Today, the church's recipe for salvation is NOT Biblically sound.  Just saying a prayer saves no one.  The only one who can initiate salvation is GOD Himself.  He decides who becomes His true children.  

John 1:
13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

John 6:
“Do not murmur among yourselves. 44 No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day. 45 It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me.

63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. 64 But there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe, and who would betray Him. 65 And He said, “Therefore I have said to you that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted to him by My Father.”


Matthew 16:
16 Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
17 Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.

Romans 9:
11(for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls),

14 What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? Certainly not! 15 For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion.” 16 So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy. 17 For the Scripture says to the Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.” 18 Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens.

       My friends, we do not ask Jesus into our hearts.  In order for it to be a true conversion, the Holy Spirit enters our hearts before we know what's happening to us. Grace enters us in the form of conviction of our sinful state long before we invite Yeshua into our hearts


For more details, you can read my 3-part blog Cutting the Apron Strings from the Mother Church

    Take it to the proper place, Facebook!       Everyone says never to air our dirty laundry publicly on Facebook or social media, but I th...