Friday, February 10, 2023

 When GOD won't let go, even if you beg Him.

Sometimes, GOD will show you something in a person that only you can see, because GOD showed it to only you. He will give you Scripture after Scripture and Divine Coincidence after Divine Coincidence to prove it to you. You may have to wait upwards of 7 years,  month, and 26 days, but the LORD will strengthen you  Even when you beg Him to stop teasing you with hope deferred, (Proverbs 13:12). He won't stop telling you to wait, to hold on, and to believe.  He will give you glimpses of the heart of a man that only He sees, but He will allow you to watch the storms that will come along and submerge that man under the weight of pain and confusion. Most men don't know how to deal with devastating pain, they cannot process it, so they will act out in complete opposite of the Godly character you saw in him. David hid behind his fear for 16 months in the land of the Philistines, working for the enemy, and also deceiving them. 

The verse Psalm 37:4, Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart, is properly translated in the Hebrew as "Delight yourself in the LORD, and He would put/set the desires of you heart. The Hebrew NATAN, for shall give really means put, set. ( Philippians 2:13  Proverbs 21:1, Isaiah 46:10-11)  I have a whole notebook of these types of verses on GOD’s Sovereignty.  Do not believe people who will discourage you with the words, "Man has his own freewill," because in cases where GOD has already planned to do something through a man, that man’s freewill is limited to GOD’s Sovereignty.  Sure, GOD will allow that man to fall below any level he thought he could, but GOD has a purpose in sin, also.  GOD allows sin so we can understand His Amazing Grace.  

GOD will use that sin to refine the man and bring him closer to Himself.  Then he will be better than your heart could have ever imagined, and his passion for the LORD will blow your mind. The hell is in the waiting, but you will see the Mighty Hand of GOD in ways that barely a person alive has seen.  I constantly beg GOD to leave me be in my despair, because the overwhelming circumstantial evidence is just that, circumstantial.  It would not hold up in court, nor will it convict a man.  Pun intended.   He won’t let me let it go, and He will prove His ordained plan with another Scripture or another Divine Coincidence. 

I know that only GOD and I understand these signs and Scriptures, but isn’t that just how GOD works, individually communicating in ways that only His beloved understand? My point is that sometimes the miracle GOD wants to prove to you is coming regarding a person’s Godly character which is hiding behind a Jericho's wall of pain. It doesn't matter how many times we give up, if GOD has ordained us to an assignment, even if that is only as an intercessor, He will let us fall to levels of utter despair just so He can show off His Miraculous Hand, again. 

Sunday, February 5, 2023

 Where Our Feet Have Trod

    As many of my readers know, I've lived like Jeremiah in Job's World.  Anything that can go wrong has gone wrong.  Anyone who could stab me in the back has.  Here I am, trying to warn people about the Just GOD of the Bible, the one my covenant, but ex husband in the eyes of civil law only, calls a "mean-ass-God."  Yes, he really did call the GOD of the Hebrew Scriptures a "mean-ass-God,"  He called YHVH that because he doesn't believe YHVH is real.   Oh, he believes in GOD, he'll come right out and say that, but like the majority of the New Testament Church, they don't believe in the right GOD, YHVH, the one Yeshua spoke about, the One who holds their fate in His Hands.  Instead, they have created a god in their own image, one they can live with, one that loves everyone, no matter what they do.  If it weren't for lies they tell themselves and others, the church would be dead. 

    Paul warned us that this would happen, and it did not take long for it to occur.  Satan is just as comfortable in the New Testament Church as he is in the open world.  As long as he can deceive those sitting in the pews with that warm happy feeling that GOD loves them just as they are, they won't want to change.  As long as he can tell them that GOD isn't to be really feared, but to be worshiped, praised and loved, the way He "praises/worships" us, then all is well with however they live. 

    I had dreadful parents.  My mother was beastly, and yet, my siblings worshiped and praised her.  I never did.  Yet, I still tried to earn her love, like I tried to earn my father's love who abandoned us.  I determined never to do as my mother did to us and make us feel like we didn't matter.  So, I risked my life to have six more children than the doctors recommended and I treated them all like they mattered.  I bent over backwards trying to serve them and be a good mother, while teaching them about YHVH GOD.  I did this with my husband also.  There was never any question about my love for them, because I showed them and I told them.  Yet, six out of the eight threw all of that away, as well as my husband.  I sit here, all alone, the only one walking with GOD asking Him how this could have happened to me.  The only answer I get is that the devil hates the truth.  In me are no lies.  I refuse to lie, so, I end up saying things people do not want to hear.  

    The church is like that.  They constantly tell people the lies people want to hear.  People listen to words, they do not watch actions.  Hearing words they like appeal to them.  I took in an elderly man with dementia, because his grown children ripped him off blind and dumped him in squalor, yet, when he was handing out money for anything they needed, they loved their dad.  As soon as the courts came and took his money away from them and him, and assigned him a conservator, they dumped him like a hot potato.  This man proved his love for his kids, so they knew they had it.  Thus, they never tried to earn it.  I find it odd that children who have beasts for parents are devoted to them, they almost worship them, but those who have loving parents who prove it dump them at the first opportunity.

    Then the truth hit me like a MOAB, (mother of all bombs).  We are the same way with GOD.  Those of us who know the true YHVH GOD constantly try to earn His love and favor, because we know it can be lost.  Yes, it can. The church says that GOD loves everyone, well, that's a lie from the pit of hell.  It's not true. You can take Scripture and twist it to anything you want it to believe, but history proves the truth of Who YHVH GOD is.  Read the judgments against the people and nations who rose up against His people.  Read what He said about His people who turned to idols and dumped Him by the roadside.  Open up the book of Hebrews, in particular, chapter 2 and chapter 6.  GOD's love can be lost, His favor can be lost, and salvation can be lost.  

    Those who have created a god in their own image refuse to believe that Who my husband called a  "mean-ass-GOD" exists.  They refuse to believe that they will be judged based on how they live, even though, it is explicitly taught in the Bible and in the church.  You see, everyone's mirror is distorted.  No one has a correct mirror into their own souls.  If you ask anyone, "Are you a good person" who will answer correctly?  No one, I say, no one. You see, people who are bad think they are good and people who are good think they are bad.  It's like that with everyone.  Bad people don't believe they are bad.  Good people don't believe they are good.  Now, which ones does YHVH GOD love? He loves the ones who think they are bad, and those people will forever be trying to earn His love and favor, even though they already have it.  

    Those who think they are good, or okay, don't have it, thus they don't think they have to earn it, because they are deceived into believing they have it.  It is a very tragic situation.  Here is one thing I posted on Facebook, and I think it's a pretty good scale in order to judge oneself by when looking in the mirror of our souls.  When you look into the mirror of your soul, if you can say yes to the question above, then you are in danger of having a false god, one you created in your own image. 

    I can tell you the people who will tell the truth, those on their death bed.  GOD recently brought a man into my life who is in end-stage liver cancer, and this man admits that he deserves this, because he earned it by living wrong.  He has  prayed and asked GOD to forgive him and take him to heaven.  He is now a humble man who cries at the drop of a hat and now  is only days away from Eternity in Paradise, just like the the thief on the cross, after he was crucified came to know about himself. 

    Take it to the proper place, Facebook!       Everyone says never to air our dirty laundry publicly on Facebook or social media, but I th...