The Bible as a Treasure Chest
As many of you know, I'm an Old
Testament buff, in fact, I buff it out so much that the more I buff it out, the
more brighter the shine that comes out to near blind me and confuse
me. The brightness of that shine of the Old Testament is so illuminating
that my eyes can't comprehend it, and my mind cannot filter it. There is
so much there that the human mind is incapable of comprehending all of it in
this lifetime. Yet, it is so highly ignored by most Christians.
Most Christians these days are
New Testament Christians only. Yeah, they see the Old Testament as a good
story book, a good poetry, a good intro to the Gospels, but they don't
understand, the Old Testament is the cake under the frosting. If you
don't have the cake, there is no frosting. Most of the Old Testament Scriptures
that are quoted over and over again don't even show the tiniest fraction of the
whole picture. Everyone has their favorites, but their palates are so
accustomed to the taste of the favorites, that the people don't want to try and
find new flavors.
While praying about this and
asking GOD what can I write about the Old Testament gifts, I saw a treasure
box. Go with me here for a second. Open the treasure box, and there
is a tray on the top of the box that holds all the greenbacks of the US
Treasury. Sure, those green backs are good. They spend like real money,
and they can buy you anything you need or want, however, the gold and jewels
that those greenbacks are based upon are underneath that tray. You know they
are there, and if you lift the tray you can see the beauty underneath.
The real problem is that unless you take out the tray, and pick up each piece
and carefully examine each jewel and the glow of each piece of gold, you are
only getting 1/4th of the treasure box. A quarter of the treasure is
good, it's enough to make you rich in Christ, but how rich do you want to be?
Too many Christians are
settling for that top tray, because it's good enough. Good enough was
never good enough for me. That is why I got in trouble with my children and my
husband. They think that I was never satisfied with them, because they
were not good enough. Nothing could be further from the truth. Yes,
I set the bar high, but so didn't GOD when he came here as a baby in a manager
and when Jesus stretched out his arms and died on that cross for you and me.
Psalm 119 is the perfect example of the
gold standard of the Old Testament. The jewels in this Psalm is in the
poetry. Yeah, I know it doesn't rhyme, and that's because we don't speak
Hebrew. The Psalm is divided into 22 sections, each stanza begins with a
Hebrew letter. Recently, I started studying some of the Hebrew
alphabet. I'm telling you, GOD loves letters, but even more so, He loves
numbers. Each Hebrew letter has a specific meaning in Hebrew, it doesn't
just represent a sound. Each letter has a number assigned to it, and each
number has a meaning behind it. For example, 1 Represents GOD, as GOD is
one, the only One. My favorite letter in Dalet, the 4th letter, it means
door. My favorite number is 8, which means new beginning, and if anyone
needs that, it's me. There is such beauty in GOD's creation and the story
of His people. Knowing some nice OT Scriptures as comfort verses is like
eating beans in a can when GOD offers us an entire banquet table in which we
can feast. Not knowing the Hebrew alphabet is again, like only
tasting the frosting and not the cake underneath. The English Alphabet is
good enough to create the words that teach you the Gospel, but the Hebrew
Alphabet is the gold and jewels that will make you far richer in Christ than
you could ever imagine.
Might I encourage you to take your Bible, learn it in
Chronological order in historical context. Learn the culture behind the stories
and the people, and you will find such treasure in the truth and knowledge of
GOD that you've been missing all this time. Not
knowing the Hebrew alphabet is again, like only tasting the frosting and not
the cake underneath. The English Alphabet is good enough to create the
words that teach you the Gospel, but the Hebrew Alphabet is the gold and jewels
that will make you far richer in Christ than you could ever imagine.
"Here I am, I'm over here.
You've been looking over there, and that is just a reflection of me in a
mirror. Turn around and see the real thing, the full figure of Who I am."