Saturday, September 26, 2020


     I just got blocked by an anti-abortion pew warmer because I educated her with the truth of GOD and the Bible. Church people are so full of themselves shaming people outside of the church, that when someone on the inside points out a truth in the Bible they never considered, what do they do? They block the person because they hate the truth, they only love their opinions. They claim to have the only truth, but when proven wrong, well, that's just too much for them to handle. This is not a rare occasion for me. I get blocked by church people a lot.  I saw this hateful tweet after Amy Comey Barrett was announced as President’s Trump Supreme Court nominee that said, “Say good-by to your abortions, whores!” My reply was, “I don’t recall Jesus calling any women whores, not even the one caught in adultery." (BTW, where was the man? A blog post for another day!) Her reply to me was, “I don’t think Jesus would mind me trying to save babies.” Where her logic of calling these women whores was saving their babies behooves me.

   When I accurately explained to her that GOD killed babies and by the millions, and gave her examples in the Old Testament, she quickly blocked me. Why would she block someone who spoke the truth about facts in the Old Testament, if one is claiming to be a Christian? Now, I’m going for the jugular of the church, so you better buckle up, because what I’m about to say will NOT be wearing its Sunday best. If you yourself are married and having sex and using birth-control, then you haven't a leg to stand on in the abortion issue. You all say life begins at conception, right? Well, I say that you are wrong and so does the Bible. Life begins at Genesis 1:22, 28, and 8:17, 9:1, 9:7, and a host of too many Bible Scriptures to list. You might want to look those verses up, and then find some more, because you are murdering the preconceived.

    In an earlier post, I wrote that birth-control was the mother of abortion, and it’s true. The birth control pill came out before abortion was made legal. The birth control pill made procreating optional. When GOD says something once, we should take notice, when He says something twice, we should stand up and take notice, but when He says it MULTIPLE times, we need to stand up and do what He says. Life doesn’t begin at conception, it begins in the heart, it begins at the marriage ceremony where two lives become one-flesh, a new life, a new family.  Life begins at pre-conception, when a man and a woman promise to obey GOD and bring life forth into this world. There is something amiss when a man and a woman pledge their lives to GOD and to each other, however, they choose to limit what GOD calls a blessing and a reward to the average 2.5 in their quiver. I don’t recall any couples in the Bible that GOD brought together and said, "Don't be fruitful, and for My sake, limit the amount of children that you conceive, heaven is getting too crowded." When two people get married under GOD, then shouldn’t life and the creation or prevention of life be His choice? It was the people in the Bible who were given many children who were considered to be honored by GOD. 

     Now, on to where GOD took babies from their mothers' wombs, while annihilating entire nations. There are too many Scripturas to list, but I can provide you with a couple of well-known examples. Let's begin in the land of Sodom and Gomorrah.   It is in chapter 19 of Genesis, you may want to read that account. Oh, but that’s doesn’t count, they were wicked people, right? Really? Were they all grown men? I think NOT. There were undoubtedly men, women, children and pregnant women in that city. Were the children wicked? Were the babies in utero wicked? Yet, GOD destroyed ALL of the inhabitants of the city. In Exodus chapter 11, YHWH GOD Himself  killed ALL of the first born in Egypt. It doesn’t say he only killed the first-born males all grown up. It says ALL the first born. Do you suppose there were some babies? Do you suppose there were first born children? I would think there were. What about the city of Jericho? Did God tell Joshua to spare the children, the women or the pregnant women? I dare say, no, again.

     In chapter 23, of Exodus, GOD told Moses that He would “wipe-out” the peoples in the nations that GOD planned to send the Israelites to live and take possession of the land. The Hebrew word, kachad ( כָּחַד) means to annihilate. Did GOD only annihilate the men, the soldiers? Or did He annihilate the women, children and pregnant women also? Last, but not least, GOD told Moses, Joshua, King Saul, and David among others to KILL and destroy entire nations of pagans, including the women and children. And when they did not obey GOD to kill all these, they suffered the consequences. (See Numbers, Joshua, Judges, and give them a good read.) Eventually, the Israelites began to adopt their  wickedness, rebellion, and idolatry, even sacrificing their own children in the fires to Molech. The book of Judges is a very dark book, if anyone hasn’t read it, Judges 21 will turn your stomach.  

    So, why did GOD annihilate even children and babies? Doesn’t that seem so cruel? We cannot comprehend GOD and His ways, because we don’t have the capability to think the way He does. (Isaiah 55:8-9) Yet, GOD even explained to them why He commanded them to destroy all the peoples in those nations, men. He knew that bad company corrupts good character (1 Corinthians 15:33). Let me ask you, of the nations that GOD commanded they annihilate, do you suppose He knew that there were were there pregnant women and children? I will tell you, yes in fact He did know.    GOD is all-wise and all-knowing. He knew those children would grow up to become adults like their parents, and sacrifice another generation.  Who are we to question GOD in any matter? Job found out what happens when we question GOD's ways and reasons. (Job chs 38-41 READ them.)

    It’s NOT ever about being born here on earth, but it is always about where you end up after you are born. When that person dies, where does their soul end up, in heaven or hades?   GOD knew that these children would grow up just like their parents and perish with them.  Let me ask you, should this woman reproduce? What kind of child could come from her?   If an unregenerated woman, who is evil to the core, as we all are, (total depravity) has the baby you demand that she is pregnant with, what’s the chance of that child growing up to become a God-loving servant of the Most High? I’ll give you my guess, maybe one in thousand chances.
  I can say that comfortably because I am the only devout believer in my entire line. I don’t know of a single cousin, aunt, uncle, grandparent, great-grandparent, sibling or parent on both sides of my family or even my husband’s family that is a born-again, lover of Jesus. Whether you believe life begins at conception or when the brain is developed bears no consequences on the truth? Those aborted fetuses are now with Jesus, or so some will assume. I don't know, because I'm humble enough to admit that I'm not God, whereas, some people act and think they are.  Those fetuses have been spared having to go through the pain and heartache of life here on earth.  Even those aborted zygotes and embryo’s who were aborted were not guaranteed to be born anyway. Miscarriages are so commonplace; many women don’t even know that they miscarried before they even knew they were pregnant. Again, I’m basing that on my first miscarriage, which I did not know about until my second. 

   I have a theory, and it does have Biblical support, but again, it's my theory I have deduced. The Bible says that GOD breathed into Adam's nostril, and he came to life. What is the possibility of a fetus, embryo, or zygote not having a soul until he is born and takes in his first BREATH of life?  If there is no breath of life, how can there be a soul or spirit?

Job 33:4
It is the Spirit of God that made me, the breath of Shaddai that gives me life.
Then Adonai, God, formed a person from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, so that he became a living being.
Thus says God, Adonai, who created the heavens and spread them out, who stretched out the earth and all that grows from it, who gives breath to the people on it and spirit to those who walk on it:
To these bones Adonai Elohim says, “I will make breath enter you, and you will live.
I will attach ligaments to you, make flesh grow on you, cover you with skin and put breath in you. You will live, and you will know that I am Adonai.”’”
But it is the spirit in a person, the breath from Shaddai, that gives him understanding —
nor is he served by human hands, as if he lacked something; since it is he himself who gives life and breath and everything to everyone.
    If it's a choice between being born and going to hell, as opposed to being taken from the womb, and sent to live with GOD, well, He is Sovereign over all life, and He allowed it. I quite agree with King Solomon that it those unborn are better off than both the dead and the living. Any mother who wants to get rid of her baby shouldn't be a mother anyway. Life is hard, and for some, agonizingly difficult. Children in homes without GOD have nowhere to turn when the hurt gets so bad that you wish you were dead at the ripe old age of 15. I know, I lived it. I don't know GOD's thoughts on women who have abortions, I'm not Him, and neither is anyone reading this. GOD no more approves of a woman who sits in a pew every Sunday, claiming to be saving babies by calling other women outside of the faith, whores than he does the husband and wife who prefer the big empty house with the big mortgage. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone, church people. Romans 2 says you have no right to judge anyone else, and 1 Corinthians 5 1, says you have no right to judge anyone outside of the church, either. You may want to look those up, also. I went from a secular, pro-Abortion feminists, hating men, to anti-birth-control for those who truly belong to the Yeshua (Jesus). That is where I believe the real sin of selfishness is conceived.
Now, to all you women and men out there who are using birth-control, you are killing any pre-conceived babies that GOD could have created within your “Godly” marriage, therefore, you are without excuse. You know the command GOD gave His people which was to go forth, be fruitful and fill the earth. As far as I can recollect, that command has never been rescinded. We can choose sacrifice or self. Most couple choose self and the big house with the big mortgage as opposed to living at the poverty line with a full quiver. (Psalm 127:1) 

   I’m not telling anyone here to stop using birth control, that is your free will choice to have or not have babies. What I’m telling you anti-abortion church people spilling out all that hate, self-righteous piety, with their holier-than-thou rhetoric , you have nothing to say, not one word. If you are using birth control, because you prefer status living over lots of what GOD calls gifts and blessings  then you are not pro-life.  I can say this because GOD convicted me to stop using birth control after number three and what do you know, He gave us five more in ten years.  That was His will, not ours.  I wouldn't trade a one of them, because I consider myself to be favored of GOD to be entrusted with so many souls. 

    Take it to the proper place, Facebook!       Everyone says never to air our dirty laundry publicly on Facebook or social media, but I th...