Isn't GOD Pro-Choice?
For as much as you are not going to agree with me on this, as a devoted lover of Jesus, student of the Whole Counsel of GOD, and faithful servant of the Most High, in the Abortions debate, I am most assuredly pro-choice because YHVH GOD is pro-choice. I know that does not fit the church mold, but, I don't fit the church mold, I never did. I'm the cookie cutter that everyone throws out, because the dough sticks to it, and it makes baking difficult. My daughter had an abortion debate with a Christian student at school, and I was so proud of her. She was able to think critically and not just re-state the talking points her friend had learned and had drilled in to her since days of sitting in a pew as a fetus. She's heard me say these things over and over, but sadly, she did not have the Scripture references she needed. She does now! GOD is most assuredly pro-choice, he wants us to choose Him, that's why He gave us a free will, a free will subjected to His Sovereign choice, that is.
Point number 1: GOD put the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil INSIDE the Garden of Eden and gave Adam the choice, hence GOD is pro-choice. He wants us to choose the right path. Deuteronomy 28 supports this. GOD wanted his people to choose to obey, and he gave the consequences of obedience versus disobedience. This is the undeniable Scriptural reference point.Point number 2. This is my opinion, although I can "prove" it with Scripture, that's where interpretation comes in and makes the water muddy. You'll have to pray on this one. Every human created with a brain has a soul. As a woman who has had four miscarriages, I'm well aware that the brain is formed around week five after conception. I had early miscarriages, there never was a heartbeat. What I lost was had no brain, because they were too early, yet there was "tissue" there. So, life does indeed begin as conception, but it doesn't always survive. You may call that a weak argument, but thousands of processes have to occur for for a live birth to happen. That's why miscarriages are so prevalent. I birthed 8 children, but I had 4 miscarriages, so that is a 50% ratio. That's pretty high. Any abortion done before the brain forms may or may not have been a viable life anyway. (Weak argument, I know, but only GOD knows.) GOD's tests the heart, not the actions. Also, Scripture says the breath of life is given to humans by Sovereign act of GOD in many places. The word breath in the Hebrew is Ruach, which also means spirit. Is it possible that without the Ruach, there is no life? We are told with out the Holy Spirit, we are dead in Christ.
Point number 3 is definitely my opinion. I didn't get this from revelation or from any Scriptures, except buy by studying the history of people from the Bible. Who are having abortions? Is it loving Christian women? I dare say not. GOD told his servants to completely annihilate the Canaanites because of their evil practices. Yes, GOD included women, children and pregnant women. Have you ever asked why? If those types of women had those babies, would they be loved completely? Maybe, maybe not. Would they grow up to become Christians? Maybe, maybe not. The likelihood is about 10% of them. Hence, nine out of ten of those babies born to secular mothers would likely perish. I can safely use that figure because I grew up in a secular family and out of six children, I was the only one called and born-again. I am not just talking my nuclear family but grandparents on both sides, plus aunts, uncles and cousins. I am the only lover of Jesus, and have been for 35 years. Lastly, no woman should become a mother who wants to kill her baby. My mother wanted all six of us, and she really messed up her job. Imagine a woman not convicted by GOD to give birth. Is allowing abortion in some way GOD's way of depopulating those who would never become His?
This leads to point number 4. Why did GOD have His servants annihilate entire nations, including women, children and babies? 1 Samuel 15:3. Did GOD wipe out women, children, infants, and pregnant women at Sodom and Gomorrah, and at Jericho? Yes, He did. Why? Because those children would have grown up to become just like their child-sacrificing, pagan parents, because their parents did, and so on and so forth. I think it was GOD's way of saving those children, lest they grow up like their pagan parents and become as depraved as they were. Doesn't Scripture tell us that we are depraved without GOD? So, when GOD wiped the children and infants out, He saved their souls.
LAST and most important point, the anti-abortion movement has become a Jericho's wall, a hill to die on, and sadly those dying are those outside of the church, because this hill and wall is nothing more than combative Christianity. It is keeping the Gospel locked up inside the walls of a church. The church is building its own Jericho's wall on this stance. Some anti-abortion people are the most obnoxious self-righteous people in the church. As one who was saved at twenty-six and was very much a progressive feminist who was very much pro-choice/abortion then, I can tell you, Satan has filters on their hearts and souls to only see this as combative and hateful Christianity. I went from pro-abortion to anti-birth control and then to pro-choice, because I choose GOD's ways. Only GOD can change a heart that much. The Holy Spirit must come into a heart for it to be able to defeat the filter the enemy has put there to block the Gospel.
With all this said, the sale of fetus parts is abhorring and an abomination, and those who do this will be called to account. Yet, my arguments are more about the souls of these babies and where they end up, because isn't that what matters more? Where do they end up? We don't know. This life is fraught with pain, (Job 14) and those babies are being spared all that hurt. REMEMBER beloveds, It's not about being born, it's about where we end up when we die. Ecclesiastes 4:2. Even Solomon said, blessed are those who are never born. I was born into a horrible family and suffered emotional pain that is indescribable and still am. With the life I've lived, the decades in the fiery furnace of affliction, like Job, there were far too many days that I cursed the day I was born, but it was GOD's will for me to be born, so, I'm going to take that pain and try to use it for good, not for arguments with unbelievers about whether abortion is murder or not.