I know this is going to sound crazy, and you are asking how a new hot water heater and a story of two Saul's fits together, but if you know my writing at all, by the time you get to the end, it will all fit together, perfectly. GOD always uses everyday kind of events to teach us more and more about Himself, and about the kinds of people He chooses to use. I learned a very valuable lesson through the heartache that GOD caused in my life through the disrespect of two men. I wrote much about these two men in a previous blog. The Two Men Who Rejected Me and you can go back and find that. GOD taught me all about his love through those two men that I love beyond my own ability to stop. The human side of me wants GOD to get back at them in a Biblical way, but the Jesus that dwells in me, also wants GOD to get them, but in the Jesus way. In the Old Testament days, when GOD says that He's going to put a hook in someone's nose, He wasn't kidding, He literally puts a hook in their nose. You can find the stories in 2 Chronicles 33, and Isaiah 37. GOD chooses his own unique ways to get our attention, and all of them hurt! It's kind of like when we were children and we stepped WAY over the line of our family rules, we felt the consequence, either by suffering through a month long grounding, like when I got suspended in high school for getting caught smoking in at school, OR, when I was a small child, and caught the back end of that dreaded and hated wooden spoon.
2 Corinthians 7:10 For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance [a]without regret, leading to salvation, but the sorrow of the world produces death.
GOD will put a hook in our noses, either by punishment, or by correction, depending on whether or not we have His favor. One of those men, I believe GOD will use as an example of His punishment for his unfaithfulness to Him, and the other as his chastisement and correction to bring him closer to Him. Today, instead of talking about those two men, I'm going to tell you a different story about two men named Saul. If you are familiar at all with the Bible, you know that there was a King Saul circa 1,000 BC, and a Saul, the Pharisees in the book of Acts about 1,000 or so years later. They were two VERY passionate zealous men about their beloved Israel. One was passionate about the people, the other about their GOD. One was humble and afraid, and yet became obstinate and obnoxiously disobedient. The other was obnoxiously disobedient who became humble and afraid. Both, however, were chosen for two very different roles for two very different lessons about the will of man versus the Sovereign will of GOD. One was an example of not having GOD’s favor and the other of having GOD’s favor.
The first Saul was a very tall handsome man, chosen first, and he wanted nothing to do with being a king, until he realized the perks of kingship, and I don’t have to tell you what perks a man likes best, it’s fairly obvious, but I won’t go there. This man saw much success in all areas, as a leader.. All was going well, until all that success started going to his head. Eventually, obeying GOD wasn’t part of his agenda, but doing things his own way became the agenda in his own eyes. The perks of kingship started slowly slipping away from King Saul, and he became a mad king, not just the angry kind. GOD let his heart grow stone cold, because GOD’s hand of favor never really rested on this man. King Saul had a rival, and that rival would end up outshining and performing King Saul, because he was a man after GOD's own heart. King Saul is the perfect example of the man GOD chose to use as an object lesson of what happens to the natural man that GOD did not choose to do a mighty work for Him. King Saul died in the worst of circumstances, he was decapitated, and his body hung as a trophy in the palace of the king of the Philistines as a tribute to their pagan god that they believed delivered King Saul into their hands. Little did they know, it was the GOD of gods who allowed it to happen.
About a thousand years later, GOD chose another Saul, one who was just as arrogant as the first, so full of himself from the start that he felt murdering innocent people all in the name of GOD was his true calling. I’m talking about the Pharisee of Pharisee's in the book of Acts, Saul of Tarsus, who later became known by his Greek name, Paul, the greatest of Apostles and writer of most of the New Testament. This man had GOD’s favor, even while he was out persecuting GOD’s people, the new followers of the Way, and approving of their murder. How can GOD favor such a man? It’s because GOD does not see the murderer, but the finished product, the one whose heart would be so broken, so humbled, so pliable and moldable in His Precious hands, that nothing but good would eventually come from this man, and a great and mighty work would be done by GOD through this new heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 36). The rival of the church, the enemy of GOD's people became their biggest and most valuable proponent. Only GOD can do that.
I have known and love two such men in my life. I asked GOD, last night, while so confused about these two men, having watched both grow stone-cold hearts, “If you are so powerful, how is it that you can’t break the stubborn stony hearts of these two men, and turn them both into Biblical heroes?” The answer came back, “Because one has My favor, and one does not.” When one is chosen by GOD with whom GOD’s favor rests, He will move heaven and earth to break that man’s stubborn willful heart, to shine a light on it’s ugliness to that man. His reflection in the mirror will become less and less attractive to him. Once that heart is shattered into a million pieces, GOD will carefully, like an expert Craftsman, take that busted up heart mold it and shape it, and create the most beautiful, gorgeous masterpiece out of it, then use it for the good of His Kingdom and people.
GOD did favor King Saul, temporarily, He poured His Spirit into him to enable him to accomplish a work. In just the same manner, one man succeeded in his workplace, but failed in the Kingdom work. Success caused King Saul to not finish well, he went his own way. GOD also chose and favored Saul the Pharisee. Both men were decapitated, one in shame, the other in such glorious victory, that two thousand years later, the world is still astounded daily with new insight from the writings of this newly molded heart. So, that was my answer. One of the men has GOD’s favor, and He will shatter that man’s heart in glorious victory, and tragically, the other, GOD has let the other's heart grow so hard, that’s it’s calcified now, and nothing good will ever come of it, but a legacy of abandon.
So, you ask, what does all this have to do with a hot water heater? Well, it’s dollars and sense, and I mean that as written. One man is paying through the nose for his hard heart. Everything in his house is breaking, and each repair is costing way more than he expects or wants, because money is his god, and the GOD of gods is ripping that money right out of his hands. The other? I don’t know what is going on in his life and heart, but if I was a betting woman, I'd put my money on money. GOD knows that the provider in a man is most concerned with providing for his family. Eventually, he'll break and call out to YHVH GOD. "What do You want from me?" When that glorious day happens, and it will, it is my hope that he will have that same glorious experience I had on March 20, 2012. GOD will get a hold of that man’s stony cold heart, and will replace it with a wonderful warm heart of flesh that chases after His heart. There are only two kinds of Saul's in every man, one is an arrogant king, hell-bent on having his life play out his way, and the other is a humble man of GOD, having his life play out His way.