Friday, February 18, 2022

Is it Chance or Divine Coincidences? 

      The year is 2014, I was writing what I call the one epic of my life, LOVE'S MUSES. I hate fiction, so doing this was absolutely out of my comfort zone, but GOD put this "movie" in my head and for almost two years, I wrote what I heard and saw on the silver screen on my brain. In the summer of 2014, I was diagnosed with Parotid Cancer. At the exact same time, my son was leaving for boot camp, and would be gone for six months. I was so depressed. We dropped him off, then decided to visit the new Dollar Store that just opened just up the street. My dearly loved husband, at that time, called me over, and said, "Kristina, c'mere, you gotta see this."

In the Coca Cola cooler were two bottles right next to each other on the the TOP shelf. They were the Katie and Nick bottles. I was writing LOVE'S MUSES at that time, and the two main characters are Katie Lynn Moore and Nick Thomas. Of course, I bawled, because I knew that was GOD letting me know that everything would be okay.

A week later, while on a walk, crying, again, I thought, "What's the chance I'd see a Katie and Nick next to each other." So, not expecting anything, I decided to stroll in the same store and just take a peek. There on the 2nd shelf was Kyle and Jennifer in Coke Zero bottles, front and center and side by side. Kyle and Jennifer are the evil step-brother and step-sister to Nick Thomas, wreaking all kinds of havoc in his life. Again, I bawled my eyes out. I knew GOD was giving me signs to get me to hope and believe.

A week later, I had dropped my kiddo's off at VBS, and decided to go to Walmart to get a Coke. I had planned to find some quiet corner and just read the Bible and talk to GOD. Lo and behold at Walmart, right there in the front on the top shelf of the mini-cooler, was Matt and Rebecca! Matt and Rebecca are Katie's brother-in-law and sister-in-law who play a HUGE role in LOVE'S MUSES. (The story actually has seven main players.) Again, I bawled, I couldn't believe it.

A couple of weeks later, my daughter-in-law was in the hospital in labor with my first grandchild. She invited me to come and be with her during the labor and delivery. Who wouldn't jump at that? I went down to the cafeteria to get some food, and there they were, Matt and Michael right next each other on the top shelf, again. Matthew and Michael are identical twins. Michael was Katie's first husband and great love, who died of a heroin overdose on her birthday, February 14th in the bed of a groupie.

A couple of weeks later, I was out walking and went to the Dollar General and on the sidewalk was end of the season sidewalk sale items. Right on top of one of the aluminum racks was Brooke, all by herself. My husband was with me, so he can testify. Brooke is Nick's chief groupie and an antagonist, or rather a thorn in Nick's flesh, if you get what I mean. She was all by herself, because of course, she ends up all alone, the jilted groupie.

Friends, some people believe in luck, chance, or coincidences, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no such thing. If GOD is the creator of the Universe Sovereign over everything and Jesus holds it all into place, then He is just as concerned about your daily life, every micro-second of it, as He is the plankton at the bottom of the ocean. He counts the hairs on your head, and he watches it fall to the ground. He knows where it laid, and where the wind would eventually take it, unless the vacuum got it! I know this is hard to conceive, but He was there from the second of conception in your mama's womb, (pun intended) and He will be with you every second of your life until He brings you Home to Him for all eternity.

“Do you know the time when the wild mountain goats bear young?
Or can you mark when the deer gives birth?
Can you number the months that they fulfill?
Or do you know the time when they bear young?
Job 39:2

There is another reason why I don't believe in chance and that is because over the past ten years, ever since He called this weak-faithed nobody to start writing, because He had a work to do, I have literally lived through and seen THOUSANDS of these Divine Coincidences. I have THOUSANDS of screen shots and photos on my computer of all the Divine Coincidence or Signs that GOD has done to keep this doubting nobody with very weak faith.

I never have done anything that significant, and while I'm here on this earth, besides pop out eight babies, and I would like to remain a nobody, a recluse as I have become. When I'm gone, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that GOD will use LOVE'S MUSES in mighty ways. How do I know this? Since I stopped writing the story, a dozen or so of elements in the series have come to pass. Things like a typhoon in the Philippines that basically wiped out the entire island. (November 2013). There are elements that have come to pass in my own life, as well as complete strangers' lives who were the models for the characters GOD gave me. The biggest event however was a global crisis. Back when I wrote it, I wrote that a global crisis has devastated every country in the world, draining the life out of all the world's people. causing economic disaster. While I was writing it, I was asking GOD what could this be? He didn't answer until SEVEN years later when a biological weapon was unleased on the world, causing millions of deaths, devastating every country's economy, and draining the life out of most of the world's citizen's who can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
GOD gave me a story and elements in that story that were yet come. They are not for sale, because I cannot accept money for something GOD gave me for free.

I'm not here to plug the books, so I will not include a link. If anyone wants to check them out for free on the Blogs, feel free to contact me at One thing I have learned about Amazon is that once a book is uploaded there is no taking them down. ( Kristina L Allen Amazon Page )

Sunday, February 13, 2022

     The Ark on a New Cart 

    It is going to be just as difficult rescuing GOD's people out of the corrupt incorporated churchianity as it was for Yeshua to rescue His people from the corrupt Temple system invented by the Sanhedrin/Pharisees/Sadducees.  They corrupted the Torah by giving the Talmud equal value in Divine Inspiration.  All the laws they added were a direct violation of the words of Moses whom they held in the highest regard as the greatest prophet ever.      They did exactly that by adding on top of the 613 Mosaic Laws and forcing their rules and regulations down everyone's throat, lest they be thrown out of the Temple.  The Temple was the center of a Israelite life, just like church is for the "Christian."  Their whole lives revolved around it.  To be excommunicated  from the only Temple was a tragedy worse than death itself.  It's not like they could just go out and find another  denomination/another church body.  

     The Temple was it.  The  Sanhedrin/Pharisees/Sadducees so terribly corrupted Judaism for so many centuries that the Jews in Jesus's day did not  know the difference between the Talmud teaching and the Torah.  This angered Jesus, as you can tell by his dealings with the Pharisees.  He insulted them on every level possible.  Friends, history repeats itself over and over, why? Because we are human and we rather to create our own historical narrative so we can keep on living in denial of the hard truth.  We refused to study every detail of the past, hence, we re-write it. We re-create it in our own image of what we thought it was or what we wanted it to be to justify our own life choices.  The seminaries and clergy have to change the narrative in order to keep the brainwashed sheep in the pews and the pastors in their pockets.  I understand this may offend, but Yeshua didn't mind offending the Pharisees for all the lies they told, and this Joan-the-not-baptist-anymore feels exactly the same way. 


        Fast forward two thousand years.  It is the exact same thing with "Christianity" as we know it.  Generational Christians who have been sitting in pews since they were embryo's like their mothers, and their mothers before them, etc..., make the Christian church the center of all their lives.  Christianity, as they learned it, is the difference between eternity in Hell or in Paradise.  There is no difference between the church today and the Sanhedrin then, not one bit of difference.   Christianity was "invented" by corrupt church fathers, one main player was Eusebius who directed Constantine to lie about his alleged vision to win over the Christians.  

     Constantine took it a bit further, and with goal of ridding the planet of the hated  Jews. They were hated  by all the evil emperors and now the early church fathers.  So, what Constantine do?  He pulled rank on The Almighty.  He outlawed the Torah and the Tanukh.  (The Law and the Prophets)  Can you imagine the gall it must take to outlaw YVHV's commands?  (the correct Hebrew spelling).  Not only did he outlaw the Mosaic Law, he changed the day of worship to the day of his sun god's worship and forced  Christians to adapt.  Sunday, the Lord's Day is not even the correct context.  The Lord's Day in Rome was the one day a year that all citizen's had to swear absolute loyalty and profess the emperor as Lord, or be killed.  That is why it was called the Lord's Day.  It has absolutely nothing to do with Yeshua resurrecting on the eighth day.  Here is a perfect example of the church changing the narrative to fit with their lie keeping the pew filled on Sunday and the staff's paycheck's secure for another week.  

     Over  twelve more centuries of evil murderous corruption in the Roman church bred more lies and "misinformation."  Absolute power corrupted absolutely.  When Luther came along he helped free people from the bondage of the Roman Church, but he continued the narrative.  Luther as many know was a heated anti-semite and was the  inspiration for Hitler in his "Final Solution." To the Roman church, Paul wasn't even Jewish anymore. The Roman church created their own version of the Talmud.  They chief priest became the papacy, which was far and above more evil than the Babylonians or the Assyrians could have imagined.  The Crusades and the Inquistion made those two ancient empires look like a women's tea at church.  Their evil and cruelty knew no bounds, but does the Roman Church want you to know the extend of the corruption and evil?   

     The Bible became so white washed by the church fathers and commentators over the centuries that it was as if the Torah was on tracing paper. That just aged me. Maybe I should say tissue paper, and they blew their snot all over and disregarded it. All of those lies about not being under Law was the devil's playground. We are still under Law. We are justified by Grace through faith in Yeshua HaMashiac. (Jesus the Christ), because to fulfill the whole Law is humanly impossible. That does not void it. Unless you put your faith in Yeshua, the Law will still condemn you. That was what Paul was saying throughout his whole mission. Contrary to popular believe, it is only a 1700 year old rumor that Paul made the Torah obsolete. He never stopped practicing the Law, nor studying the Torah and the Prophets. Today, in church the Law and the Prophets are a nice book of poetry, history, and foundation/basement of New Testament Christianity. Let me ask you, what happens to a house if the foundation isn't maintained, properly cared for, or worse, taken out from under the house?

     I have been isolated for ten years by the Hand of the LORD.  It's been lonely, but He had to teach me the truth without interference from what I call "the deep state church."  I have been called every name in the book. We, the True Remnant, the  two houses of Israel that GOD is reuniting after 3,000 years, are hated as much as the Pharisees hated Yeshua.  GOD did not choose a pew baby to go in and try and rescue the other pew babies, He has chosen an outsider, a Yankee in the Bible Belt.  

     Not all will believe that for their entire lives they have been lied to by the church for 1700 years, just like not all will believe that they have been lied to by their government, teachers, and college professors since the early 1900's.  Do you see the correlation here?  It's the narrative that is the lie.  It wasn't until I left the church and really started living in the Bible that I learned it and nothing like the way the church had taught it to me for almost three decades.

  I could go into great detail about the Law/Torah and the Prophets/Tanukh, but that is not my intend.  SHOCK and AWE is what I'm hoping for here, then when the Holy Spirit speaks to the hearts of those whom GOD has chosen to know the truth, and they  get back up from that great big fall, I'll be there with all my best friends, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, Ezra, Nehemiah, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and of course Malachi.  It will be my pleasure to introduce you to them.   America in the the Bible, folks, we are Joseph's seed, what the prophets call the house of Ephraim.   Elohim, as promised is bringing His two "quarreling children" back together, and uniting the thirteen tribes.  Yes, there were thirteen, just like there was thirteen chosen Disciples.  I'll let you chew on that one for a while. 

    Take it to the proper place, Facebook!       Everyone says never to air our dirty laundry publicly on Facebook or social media, but I th...