Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Cutting the Apron Strings

From the Mother Church

Part 3


      I would like to say that we got it right, finally, but as the human condition falls even further from GOD's original design of creating man in His own image, it became warped, again. This time, the movement fragmented into thousands of different units. Grace nearly disappeared all together. It was preserved, but warped into different kinds of grace. The grace of the modern church system has many different definitions and practices compared to the truth of GOD's original intent and designed. Grace is somewhat blurred, based upon each denominations' definition of "saving grace," by that denomination's interpretation and understanding of Scripture, which is based upon what the church fathers taught them to believe as well as the old commentators and Biblical scholars.

       Universities became learning centers to carry on, carry out, and train pastors to believe what their professors taught them to believe, and how to perform in and operate the business of a church as the “leader of the flock.” It wasn’t long before those seminaries were invaded by flawed teachings, and some might say, Soros-style deep state plants, meant to do serious damage to the church, to kill it from the inside out. There's that old teaching from Balaam, rearing its ugly head, again, warping GOD's people from the inside out. You'll have to research Balaam in the Old and New Testament to understand his teaching. (A word search in something like www.Biblegateway.com will help you out there. It was an infiltration rather than a invasion, as we have been taught by Q to see.

        My friends, contrary to popular belief, the devil, a created being, by the way, and not a divine one, is not hanging around the red districts in downtowns, no, he likes being in the churches where he sends his minions to do his bidding to mess with people so they can mess up GOD good work. The minions operate through the same deep state cabal trying to destroy our free nation, and is just as effective in the churches as they were in the halls of Congress. At this point, that would not be too difficult of a job, because the lines of grace and Christianity have become so blurred, that no one seems to know which is right. This one says this, that one says that. As a matter of fact, if you know Scripture and the book of Judges, the last verse of the book says, "There was no "king" (central truth), and everyone did what was right in their own eyes." Now if ever there was a truth in our churches today, that is it!

        This new form of undefined grace stayed true to the cathedral system, but took it even further and built giant business who remarried the state, called themselves churches, and disguised themselves as evangelists, when in all actuality, they have become massive conglomerates run by CEO’s called senior pastors. These corporations have grown so elaborate and “sophisticated” that it’s not just one central building of worship, but huge multi-structural campuses, thus having to hire a staff of employees to keep the business running, bringing in more “customers," I mean converts, to keep the pews filled, the offering plate full, as well as the staff busy running the programs running the (customers) people in the pews, who sit quietly once a week, while spectating a carefully crafted and choreographed performance of what is accepted by man as a "worship service." A board of director is required with any incorporated business, because the corporation answers to the state in lieu of audits of their finances. They claim non-profit status, but really, they are very profitable, (Revelation 3, the rich church) it’s just doled out in huge salaries for men and women making a career out of climbing the corporate ladder of the corrupt incorporated church entity. Sadly, these conglomerates are non-profit to the government’s liking, but definitely non-prophet to GOD’s not liking.

       If a John-the-Baptist walked into today’s church, would he be recognized? How about a Jeremiah, or an Ezekiel, or even a Daniel. I venture to say, no, they wouldn’t. In fact, if one of those guys walked into a church, they'd be told to go seek professional counseling for their delusional "faith," and be ostracized. Take it from one who knows.

        These huge conglomerate incorporated “churches” became so self-sufficient, and "marketed" by man, that the worship of GOD, by the congregations became just a past-time. For nearly all, this movement became a way of life for "sleeping" participants, who are now bottle-fed the same old select verses in a typical New Testament church, in weekly segments, in many different styles, degrees of complexity, with grace and truth further being watered down and less defined by the Scripturally-dumbing down of GOD's people.

        Currently, GOD's people fit basically fit into three different sects. There are the performance-based Pharisee type, the lawyers who define GOD's grace and truth by how a person acts and make judgments based on their own interpretation of Scripture. The Epistles are LAW, and what Paul says, is what the Christian MUST do to prove his or her salvation. It's as if the New Testament Epistles have become the New Testament Leviticus. The second type is the so blurred/worldly sect that one cannot tell the difference between GOD's people and secular worldly people, and the last most damaging and dangerous sect are the scoffers, damning everybody else who doesn't teach or believe as they interpret GOD's Holy written Word.

       Hence, now, after 400 years in a new land, (does that time frame sound familiar?) GOD is again pulling out a Remnant to return to the Gospel spreading people He originally designed in those first fifty to 200 years, the Gospel that is constantly on the move, not holed up in four walls and a ceiling, constricted by the "law and profits." I must put in this disclaimer, before I am accused of saying that on the Remnant are the only true Christians. I am in NO way making a statement as such. What I am saying is that GOD is calling out His Remnant to do a new work, to return to the original design and intent of the Apostles, which began right after Pentecost. What does that look like? How about you read the book of Acts, and between you and GOD, you can decide. Many people like the incorporated church, and that's fine also, you see, what Sally, Jane, Larry, and Dewayne do for worship and service to the LORD is none of my business. That's between them and GOD.

      It was nearly a whole lifetime in what I call the fiery furnace of affliction that broke me and brought me to my knees to seek and search for a higher and deeper for truth, to seek GOD for help just to stay alive. For the past eight years of brokenness, rejection, hardship, and solitude, I have had to basically live in the Bible, day and night, both the Old and the New Testaments. I did not do it to act, look, or become more righteous, but to find some ray of hope that these days of despair and scorching burning flames of the fiery furnace of affliction may someday end.

      One thing I know for sure is that despair and my days of sadness, disappointment, frustration, and hope deferred will not follow me to my Heavenly home, being prepared for me by my very own personal Savior, Jesus Christ, aka, Yeshua, Messiah, Mashiach. One day, I will never be sad, broken, hurt, or cry, again
Cutting the Apron Strings
From the Mother Church

Part 2

     If you have not read part 1, this may sound quite confusing, and I highly suggest you go back one blog and start at the beginning. The reason why there is two parts is because when I originally wrote this, about two years ago, it was on very long blog post. In my previous blog, I was not short on words, and some tended to be longer than even my sometimes hyper-focused ADHD brain could process. So, I figure, if I can’t read it without floating off to follow some butterfly, then I need to cut, paste, edit, and bring the message home w/out all the detours.
     In part 1, we left in the dark ages. If you have never watched any historical movies about that time, and I highly recommend you do, it was such and tragic and sad time to have been alive. I watch a lot of historical documentaries, and some historical movies, such as ones about the early church fathers and pre-reformers. My friends, please invest in about 90 minutes of your time, and find some about John Hess and some of the forerunners to the Reformation. The Reformation of Martin Luther as we know it, again began as GOD calling out a remnant from the warped, twisted and very corrupt tyrannical mother church. 

     We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the remnant that GOD called out of the mother church in the 15th and 16th centuries. Like the early church Christians before them, the ones the Romans terrorized, before Constantine, many of those brave men and women gave their lives to speak and spread the Gospel of truth. They too were persecuted, tortured, hunted, and killed not by some pagan empire, but instead by the mother church for doing what GOD called them to do. Now, does that sound very Christian to you? I’ll leave that thought with you, for a moment.

 The Reformation which was about 1400 years after Pentecost, the birth of Christ’s church. GOD again, pulled this remnant to bring them back closer to the original intent, and open up the doctrine of Grace. Paul says, it is from GRACE that we are saved through faith and NOT of works, lest anyone boast. (Go find that in Ephesians 2, and read the verses before and after.) In this new reformation, grace now became the focal point of the movement. The ritualistic sacraments and the forking over hard earned cash to buy a relative out of a non-existent place called purgatory had met their match in the Reformers. They were having none of that. There was, however, some things from the mother church that they did retain, as in infant baptism, and being married to the state. That became a huge problem, especially when the remnant called the Anabaptist saw in Scripture how wrong both of those things were in the Christianity of Jesus, Paul, and the original Apostles

        After about 200 years, GOD was unhappy with those incomplete reforms, and He stirred up another remnant who decided they did not want to be married to the state, they were called Separatists, and they decided to rent a boat called the Mayflower, and put a HUGE pond between them and the state controlled religion. I imagine everyone must know with whom I am referring. As it turns out, two years ago, my daughter did a search of our ancestry and traced it all the way back to George Soule, who was on that ship. He even signed the Mayflower Compact, which was the first primary and preliminary form of government run by the people for the people. This nation of separatists would not be governed by the (religious) monarchy, but be a free nation ruled by the people. It's written Constitution, which was built on the foundational conceptual purposes of GOD's Judeo-Christian principles, called for a freedom OF religious practice, not freedom from religion as some like to incorrectly quote. That meant the government would have NO power to govern any religious practice or activity, assembling, or infringe on a person’s right to believe what they believe GOD has taught them to believe.

     This wonderful little remnant was free from the adulterous relationship of the church married to the state and was free to be the true Bride of Christ, however, and with flawed humans, there is always a however. This reformation, again, remained true to the central location structural style of worship, but it's cathedral system was somewhat limited in size and scope for a time. By the 1700's, GOD would have His people on the move again, but this time, in a missionary fashion all over the world to bring grace and truth to peoples in unknown portions and undeveloped regions of the world.

Well, it appears this blog has exceeded my idea of an ADHD readable blog, SO, on to part 3 in the next blog. I promise the big finish will be as good as a Barry Manilow's big finishes, and as controversial as some of today contemporary Christian artists.
Sorry folks.

Cutting the Apron Strings
From the Mother Church

Part 1

       My friends, I’m going to ask you to dare to think independently, and learn a truth that maybe has never been presented to you before because of tradition. I’m asking you to erase everything you’ve been conditioned to think about what is called "going to church." Going to church as we know it, in the modern times, is NOTHING like Jesus had began with his Apostles, near 2,000 years ago. Christ’s church has evolved into us going to a central location, once a week for approximately 90 minutes, sitting quietly, spectating a carefully crafted and choreographed "worship" service by incorporated men/women, who have made a career to do just that. Not only that, but it has also become being part of a separated body of Christ, and once a week being "spoon-fed" and for some "bottle-fed" the wonderful and powerful Word of GOD, according the CEO in charge, thus creating sheeple, conditioned to obey what the pastor says, because after all, he went to seminary.  

      The incorporated corrupt church has become a performance based entity. We have taken "Going to church" and completely warped it into something GOD never intended. If we truly understood the Chronological timetable of the Old Testament Scriptures in proper historical context, those of us who actually study the Whole Counsel of GOD, not diminishing one letter or word, we would see a pattern developing, and changing, and repeating itself. Man is too wrapped up in the pursuits of the world to notice GOD’s hand and man's tendency to repeat history, making the same mistake one generation after another.  Let me give you a brief history and explanation, and tell me if you don’t notice GOD constantly pulling out a remnant of His people when they become too corrupt.

      About 6,000 years ago, GOD singled one man and his seven relatives from the entire population of the earth, and deleted everyone and everything else from the hardrive/planet we call earth.  Then about 2,000 years later, GOD singled out one man, Abram, and told him to leave what he had known all his 75 years on this planet, to follow Him to a specific physical locale, a place he’s never known and without a script to follow. 

    Abram did not get any kind of direction as to where he was going, but he packed up his clan, and left. Abram, later renamed,  Abraham, became the father of several sons, between three wives, but of them, GOD pulled out one son of promise named Isaac. He became the father a twin boys, in which only one son, named Jacob, was chosen to be pulled out, and eventually renamed Israel, meaning prince. He had twelve sons by four wives, and again, GOD pulled out one son, name Joseph, and trained him separately from what he had always known, because GOD had selected him to become the second most powerful man in the known world, and to save his entire family, the Israelites, from starvation.

      For reasons only GOD knows, He moved Israel and the remainder of his family, totaling 70 in number, by the way of a famine, to under the leadership of the son who was previously called out, and they ended up in Egypt in a land called Goshen. In the manner of 400 years, in this womb-like land, He grew them to over two million who were encased, enslaved, persecuted and grew strong and mighty enough to be feared by Pharaoh. After 400 years, GOD called one man, named Moses who would lead them and move them away from Egypt, which represents the world, in what is called a type and shadow of what was to come.  

     Moses singled out twelve men to spy out the promised land of milk and honey to which GOD would plant them, but out of them only two had the faith to believe GOD and Moses.  Fora that reason, the rest had to wander  40 years in the wilderness, until that generation all died, hence He called out, again, the second generation with one of the two, Joshua to lead them across the Jordan into the land to which they were promised.

         While traveling 40 years in the Wilderness, He had them build a (portable) Tabernacle, a place for worship, and a place for the sacrifice for their sins as a means of His grace and mercy in order to pardon them from their sinful nature. Once they crossed over the Jordan, according to Joshua's directions, given to him by GOD,  they were firmly established as the twelve tribes of Israel. Over about 1,000 years while living in the Promise Land, they continued to fall in and out of grace with YHVH GOD, and he called out one small boy, named Samuel, would would lead them into a new life as subject to their requested monarchy.  There was no way that GOD was going to give them a great king first, so He anointed the counterfeit first.  After King Saul failed, as all men do, GOD called out a young boy from a family of eight sons.  This was the king who would seek after GOD's own heart all of his life, but still fall and rise as we all do, after all, there is no human born of both man and woman who won't fall. 

     As a united nation, under the man after GOD’s own heart, GOD called out and chose the one of David's sons, of two adulterers, by the way, to build a permanent structure for worship and sacrifices for their sins. It only took one generation after David for the people to become fully  corrupt, again.  A civil war ensued, and GOD called out two tribes of the ten to whom the True Deliverer would come, after about a thousands years of good and bad kings who led them to GOD and away from GOD.  ,

    Under  King Jeroboam, the ten remaining tribes would become known as the nation of Israel.  King Jeroboam rebelled and established his own religious central location in Samaria.  King Jeroboam was a great type and shadow of what the Roman church would do near 1200 hundred year later.  He created his an entirely new religion, one the resembled Judaism that YHVH GOD gave Moses about 1500 years prior, however, he created his own priest-hood and sacrificial system of worship.  Eventually, they even stopped worshiping YHVH, the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  Fed up with their corruption, GOD allowed them to be conquered in 722 B.C, and dispersed among the then known world.  A remnant of those ten tribes moved down to Judah which also included the tribe of Benjamin, which  became known as the Southern Kingdom.

      The southern kingdom maintained the temple system on and off, but kept Jerusalem as the capitol city.  Eventually, as humans always do, even the chosen nation of Judah became too corrupt, and was handed over to the pagan nation of Babylon, for what became a 70 year time-out for bad behavior, or as the Bible calls it, the Exile. The great and massive central location of worship, called Solomon's Temple, was burned to the ground.

     After the seventy years of time-out, GOD again took a remnant from the exiles, and moved on the pagan King Cyrus’s heart to send them back to Jerusalem, as he promised in the prophecies of Jeremiah, which was found by the prophet Daniel. Note, Daniel was deep in the heart of the politics of the pagan nation as a chief advisor to three pagan kings. 

      The remnant of the exiles were moved in spirit by the Elohim to rebuild the Temple, re-establishing the sacrificial system began a thousand years prior in the wilderness under Moses’s leadership, only again, in a permanent structure. For the next 400 years, reforms were incorporated, scribes were  charged with keeping safe the words of the Torah.  Ezra, the  first scribe and writer of the books of Chronicles,  preserved the history.

     After about 400 years, these imperfect humans, again became corrupt, and GOD allowed the mighty and fiercely oppressive Roman empire to conquer them, again.  Again, GOD's people incorporated man's rules and regulations into the Law which was given to Moses, so much so, that Judaism became unrecognizable.  These scribes were now called Pharisees, teachers of the Law.  Only they had access to the religious writings, so whatever they said, went, and the people who gathered to hear them teach had no other way of knowing that they had corrupted all of GOD's words to His people. 

     When the time that GOD had allotted for sin to reach its fulfillment, GOD again, called out a remnant, started by the last Old Testament prophet, John-the-Baptist. He went completely against the accepted religious ruling teachers of the law and the political Saducees who were the governing group of  GOD's people, deeply in bed with the Roman empire to further oppress their own people into complete oblivious ignorance to the Torah and GOD's original intent.   Another remnant was pulled out of that corrupted religious center, led by the  Son of GOD himself.  His purpose was to teach the original Torah and the principles behind the Laws and Commandments give to GOD's people in the wilderness, via Moses their great prophet. 
    Eventually, to rid His people of a central location where YHVH GOD would dwell,  because the Holy Spirit now reigned in the human body of those chosen to follow His Son, GOD had the Temple completely destroyed by the Roman army in AD 70. It was GOD’s intent that the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be constantly on the move, and why we call it a “movement of GOD.” It was never meant to be the end of Judaism, but an extension of the original intent and design for GOD to have a people for Himself. The unbelieving Judahites were sent off again to another exile, this time to Rome to become slaves the the Romans, and the land of Jerusalem lay desolate for centuries, occupied by who we would call the Philistines, until 1948.  At first, The Way as it was called by the apostle Paul, was only for the original people of GOD, the Jews, but because His people chose to reject the Son sent to save them from their sins, GOD chose another Paul to bring the gospel to the gentiles in order to graft a remnant of them into the Vine, planted and rooted firmly in Yeshua HaMashiach.  (Jesus the Messiah)

     The new movement soon became over-run by more gentiles than Jews, and  sadly, this irrational hatred of the Jews, initiated by Satan, who has always hated GOD's chosen elect, completely corrupted The Way, and began a whole new religion called Christianity.   Four hundred years later, a pagan Roman ruler who claimed to have converted to Christianity, completely outlawed all of GOD's Laws and Commandments, supported by the very much anti-semite religious system called the Papacy. This pagan ruler, witth the cooperation of the Papacy, incorporated his polytheist rituals into Christianity in order to force all pagans and Jews to convert under the threat of death. This religion eventually developed their own capital city in Rome. Do you see a correlation between Constantine,  the Papacy, and King Jeroboam a thousand years prior, right after the civil war the permanently divided the nation into two houses.  

     These new “church fathers,” somehow did not understand the purpose of the burning of the one central location for worship, and returned to the system of building a permanent structure and central place of worship that would rule over this completely redesigned religion of man, looking nothing like what Christ has began on the day of Pentecost, several hundred years earlier. This cathedral system did not remain as just one central permanent structure, but hundreds of permanent physical buildings, planted all over the known world. The buildings of mortar throughout time became more and more elaborate, much like Herod's temple, and became the focal point of worship, instead of the actual work of Grace and mercy. This became the period known as the Dark Ages, where the Gospel was unknown, and the ruling class became corrupt religious monarchs, forcing their brand of “religion” to the uneducated enslaved.

Monday, May 11, 2020

So, You  Want to Go Swimming, 
Watch out for the RipTide.

     I grew up in Massachusetts where the ocean was no more than 40  minutes away from every place I lived.  You probably think that I spent I would have spent much of my time on the beach, right?  Well, I didn't. Now I wish I did, but,  in MA, summer begins on  July 4th and ends somewhere around August 1st.  The rest of the year is pretty much getting ready for winter, suffering through winter, and then waiting for winter to end.  

     It would make sense that I would have moved south down on the coast, right?  NOOOOO, dummy me moved to a land-locked state, a pretty boring one, also.  It's beautiful here, but boring, nonetheless.  It also happens to be the place that GOD had planned for me to move from before the creation of the world.  How do I know that?  Besides the fact that I cried for a year to move here, for no logical reason that I could deduce,  I have flourished here.  I have floundered a lot, (pun intended) but there were times of smooth sailing, where the ocean of life was a beautiful blue. Although, there were rough seas many times, I  had been  able to at least stay afloat. I am so glad that I moved here, because there is no way I would have eight children living in Taxachusetts. I think it’s pretty clear cuts that the Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit to tell us it was GOD’s plan for us to come here.    
  It's obvious to me that GOD spoke to my spirit to come here. He implanted the desire in my heart to come here, according to Philippians 2:13, among a host of other Scriptures that say GOD puts His desires in our hearts when we delight in Him. (Psalm 37:4).  There are teachers out there who say GOD doesn't speak to humans.  They say that everything we need to hear from GOD is in His Word, and that is true.  The foundation of everything we hear from GOD will be in the Word of GOD and in context, not to suit a man's interpretation, but Scripture confirms Scripture.  In the Gospel of John, Jesus said,"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to remembrance all that I have said to do."
  Did you catch that? Reminding us?  If we don't put the information in the hard drive we call our brain, there is no way for the Holy Spirit to access a file that is not there.   We may think that we don't remember all we read, but our brain is like the NSA, (National Security Agency, the intelligence branch of the Navy)  which retains and archives every digit letter typed into any phone, computer, and including pictures.  Yes, every single word, doctor's appointment, Snapchat, Instagram, Google photo, and so on and so on, so be careful. Nothing ever really disappears, forever, so we might want to be very careful about what we share electronically.   The Holy Spirit is our teacher that helps us access and remember what we read and see in Scripture. 
 If we don't read it, study it inside, outside and upside down, we won't have it in there for the Holy Spirit to bring to mind.  The Scriptures authenticate the Scriptures so one particular verse shouldn't be taken out of context and applied to any old situation just to suit our desires.  Remember, many of our desires come from our carnal nature.  If the desire appeals to the flesh or ego in any way, we can pretty much assume that the idea or thought did not come from GOD.  That's why just reading it, or being spoon-fed it from someone else, doesn't work.  A very important Scripture could be put in the wrong file, thus, our flawed human RAM has corrupted that file.  Whatever GOD teaches me from His Word, I pray on it to decide whether to hold it in or breathe it out for others to benefit.  Not all that GOD shares with us from His Holy Word is for all to here.  He does have some secrets or Rhema’s that are just for us, alone.  There are times when GOD will “tell” us to do a certain thing, or go a certain place, those bits of wisdom cannot be found in the vernacular of Scripture, and have to be interpreted based on GOD’s character and where we think He is leading us.
 I was sitting on my swing, in my back yard, looking up at the stars, crying, again, out of the depth of my sorrow for all that I have lost and the heavy burden GOD has laid on me, and yes, He did. It is a burden far too heavy for most people to carry.  I cried out to GOD, saying, “I know we've been over this, and I know the five steps of how to know if You are talking to me. It is just so hard for me to believe, even though I know it to be truth.  When we are conversing, back and forth up there in my head, it just sounds like my own voice.   It just sounds like me talking to me." His answer was classic!  
I do believe the Holy Spirit said, “It your own voice. Kristina, the Holy Spirit lives inside you.  Therefore, as you know, the Holy Spirit is guiding your thoughts.  Just as the enemy can plant evil thoughts into yourr head, and invoke emotions to rock you. How much more so can My Holy Spirit impart into your head and heart, from My own Word.  Besides, Kristina, the Holy Spirit doesn't have an audible voice.  I have an audible voice, Jesus has an audible voice, but the Holy Spirit is just that, a Spirit, no vocal chords, He works in the Spirit, the One I gave you.."
 WOW!  Now, that's how we know GOD is talking to us.  He says something so profound that  we slap ourselves  up the side of our heads and think, that's so obvious, why didn't I think of that?  Then that voice says, "You just did, because I put it in your head to think that."  BAM!  Got me again 

Now, with that, comes the dangerous part, and I mean very dangerous part.  When we enter the Spiritual Realm, to speak to the Almighty, I must warn you, it’s not always a safe place. There are demonic influences there, also. Now, Satan can not read your thoughts, NOR is he omnipresent, because he is a created being, not divine.  He does however, assign minions to us to mess with our thoughts.  Besides the carnal flesh, there are demonic thoughts implanted in our heads.  We must be careful to distinguish the Holy Spirit’s thoughts with demonic influences.  It’s like going swimming in the ocean, every once in a while, there will be signs that it’s not safe to swim, for example,  DANGER  RIP TIDES, enter at wer own risk. 
GOD likened the Spiritual Realm to me, like the ocean.  If we dabble in a place where there are rip tides, we can get so overwhelmed that we are pulled out to sea to dangerous places, and at times, we may never be able to return to shore. Rarely does a person survive such a powerful force intended on taking them under, and keeping them there, forever.    The dark side wants to take we under, so that we get so submerged in  the lies from the pit of hell that there is no way out and we drown in them. This is what Paul meant when he said in Ephesians that we wrestle against authorities and principalities of this dark world. (Ephesians 6).  Note, all those weapons in the armor of GOD were defensive weapons. 
So, if we compare dabbling in the Spiritual Realm to swimming in the ocean, we will find different kinds of swimmers.  Some will only go above their toes, or knees, or waist and stop there. They complain about feeling dry, about not every hearing from GOD, gee, I wonder why?   Some of us are more adventurous, and we want to dive in, and let that salty water engulf us as we float suspended in water.  That's when we are at risk.  For those prayers who want all in, we better know everything there is to know about the 'water' and how to spot a rip tide before we submerge werself in it.  
 How can we know  for sure what a rip tide looks like?  Well, it won't be by dabbling in marine biology books, reading random paragraphs with no context to what we are reading.  We can't just jump in the middle of a science book, read a few lines, and become a marine biologist.  We  have to become immersed in the textbook and course of study.  With the Word of GOD, we need to know every bit of the it, from Genesis to Revelation.  We need to know the historical context to the Scripture, the order in which the events took place.  We need to know all the people involved. If we only know the last half of the biology book, we will fail the course. If we only know the New Testament, we will get caught in the devil's rip tide. 

     The reason why I constantly question whether GOD is talking to me, is because I know the danger of the rip tide and I have to test the waters to make sure I am in the safer part of the sea.  I have to be able to recognize when the water just doesn't feel right.  The problem with many false teachers and prophets is that they have been taken away by the riptide, but they don’t even know it. They are convinced they are swimming and in control of the water, but in all actuality, the water has overtaken and drowned them.  This is why we need to pray for them, not accuse them. 

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Arrogance of Man and
the Ignorance of  the Sheeple

I've learned over the last seven years of intense Bible study, day and night more than I had learned in the 21 years of previous study, cumulatively.   Before these past seven years, I was the typical, spoon-fed New Testament Christian.  I was a carport.  I broached that topic in a previous blog. Then, the bottom fell out in my life and I was dying from the inside out.  The only way to survive was to go back to the beginning and start studying GOD’s Word all over again, but differently than the previous 21 year.
  GOD brought me through the Old Testament, cover to cover to show me just how wrong I had been taught for 21 years in the church, and how to properly read prophecy according to His prophetic terms and not according to man's.   I have learned so much about the history and prophecy, because He put me in there in every character’s role. He helped me find characters who could help me get through this devastating time, by studying what they did.  I learned about people in the Bible that I had never heard of in my 21 previous years of consistent studying.  There are quite a few that really fascinate me, but none more than Zerubbabel.  Every time I ask a pastor, about Zerubbabel’s prophecy, they don't know what I'm talking about.  I think GOD has purposely hidden that from today’s clergy and Bible teachers.  I can’t begin to explain why, but I have Scripture to support that. 
I  believe that much of OT prophecy to the kingdoms of the Northern Tribe of Israel, and the southern tribe of Judah, are symbolic and foretelling of the church.  If you really study that time period of about 400 years, you will see the church age in living color.  I will go more into detail of that on a later blog.   It’s truly quite fascinating how the kings seems to foreshadow some spiritual giants of the latter days.  What I learned is that If it happened in the natural in the OT, then it happens in the latter days, but on a spiritual level and on a global scale.  It’s called typology.  So, I believe that today’s clergy and yesterday’s Bible scholars and Bible commentators have missed something big, and not because they were in the wrong, but because they did not live long enough to observe GOD’s working with His people, and I believe that GOD purposed to  hold back revealing it.  Isaiah 48 explains this, among other verses, but Isaiah 48 is the best example.  Imagine, this is the latter days, and GOD is speaking to the apostate church. 
Israel’s Obstinacy
48 “Hear this, O house of Jacob, who are named Israel, and who came forth from the loins of Judah, who swear by the name of the Lord, and, invoke the God of Israel, but not in truth nor in righteousness.“For they call themselves after the holy city, and lean on the God of Israel; The Lord of hosts is His name.“I declared the former things long ago, and they went forth from My mouth, and I proclaimed them. suddenly I acted, and they came to pass.“Because I know that you are obstinate, and your neck is an iron sinew, and your forehead bronze,Therefore I declared them to you long ago, before they took place I proclaimed them to you..,
.“You have heard; look at all this, and you, will you not declare it? I proclaim to you new things from this time, even hidden things which you have not known. “They are created now and not long ago; and before today you have not heard them, so that you will not say, ‘Behold, I knew them.’“You have not heard, you have not known. Even from long ago your ear has not been open, because I knew that you would deal very treacherously; and you have been called a rebel from  birth.“For the sake of My name I delay My wrath, and for My praise I restrain it for you, in order not to cut you off.
 There are a majority of GOD’s people who do not even know the true history of GOD’s people from a chronological standpoint.  I know this because I was an avid student of the Word, but it wasn’t until I was 20+ years old in the LORD, before I really started studying it. Most people have no idea who Zerubbabel is.  Almost ALL Christians cannot put the major and minor prophets in chronological order, and to whom they were speaking and what was the historical context that that prophet’s message. 
Isn't that so sad? It’s tragic. Isaiah 29:
But the multitude of your enemies will become like fine dust,And the multitude of the ruthless ones like the chaff which blows away; and it will happen instantly, suddenly…,
 Thus the multitude of all the nations will be who wage war against Mount Zion.Be delayed and wait, blind yourselves and be blind; they become drunk, but not with wine, they stagger, but not with strong drink.10 For the Lord has poured over you a spirit of deep sleep, He has shut your eyes, the prophets; and He has covered your heads, the seers. 11 The entire vision will be to you like the words of a sealed  book, which when they give it to the one who  is literate, saying, “Please read this,” he will say, “I cannot, for it is sealed.” 12 Then the  book will be given to the one who  is illiterate, saying, “Please read this.” And he will say, “I cannot read.”13 Then the Lord said,
“Because this people draw near with their  words and honor Me with their  ]lip service,but they remove their hearts far from Me, and their reverence for Me consists of  tradition learned by rote,14 Therefore behold, I will once again deal marvelously with this people, wondrously marvelous; and the wisdom of their wise men will perish, And the discernment of their discerning men will be concealed.”
 Now, that is from Isaiah 29, but you could almost say it’s the majority of the church today.  Traditions of men, I’m not talking Roman Catholicism, here, I’m talking, getting up every Sunday morning, sitting quietly, spectating a finely choreographed “worship” service by an incorporated entity call “a church.”  I have written much of this in my blog posts. The vastness of Biblical illiteracy is the nutrient deficiency along with other "cancers" which have literally killed the body of Christ.  It's scary and dangerous just how many people will blindly follow a "leader" who is widely known as a prophet by the masses but a FRAUD by GOD.  I've gotten into it with some of the hypnotized sheeple in the church, and they are lost as the deluded MSM victims, brainwashed into believing the lies they see on "TV."
Now, some of you may be thinking that I’m a trouble maker, upsetting the status quo, and I have heard that by many pastors here in my small town. I once had a pastor who actually said to me, “I’ve heard all about you in our ministerial association meetings, and I was advised to keep an eye on you, because you were a trouble maker.”  No, kidding, a pastor here said that to me, and he said it while I was battling cancer.    At first I was very hurt, after that, I just got MAD!  I am NOT a trouble maker. What they hate is that I’m an independent thinker. I’m not a sheeple. (a new term coined by QPatriots and QAnon)   You can assume what that word means. I’m not going to sit politely and pretend that the man up in that pulpit has all the answers, and I’m to believe every word he says, because he’s the expert.
My daughter is graduating this year, and she got a senior class superlative.  I am so proud of her for that. It’s not what most parents would be proud of, but me, I am thrilled because she’s a chip off the old block.  She got Most Opinionated!  WOW!  Now, I take that as a compliment in my parenting.  She’s a strong woman who stands her ground. She doesn’t back down and follow the crowd, she thinks for herself.  That’s my girl!  Hence, pastors do not like me, and quite frankly, for the most part, the feeling is quite mutual. 
 So, here is where I am going to get very controversial.  Based on the above Scriptures, plus multiple others, and the historicity of GOD’s dealing with His people, I see the Glory of the LORD is leaving the Church, as He did when He left the Tabernacle in Shiloh, the Temple in 586 BC and the Temple again in AD 70.  I think Revelation is clear on that when the letters to the seven churches were written. They were written to real churches, and they were written in such a way to describe the church age down through history.
 We know now that they were prophetic, but I highly doubt that John knew that these letter would describe two thousand years of a church age.  Most of them had no idea that the church age would last 2,000+ years. I believe that we have long been in the Laodician age, and that the mere fact that there were only two churches Jesus did not find fault with, simply proves my Remnant theory.  GOD’s hand of blessing is moving away from the church and will be blessing and working through the Remnant.  The Remnant will gather a harvest of disciples, not converts, but be true to the Great Commission to “Go and MAKE disciples teaching them to OBSERVE all that I have commanded.”  Let’s observe the original Greek:

Note the different wording than what we learned.  So many translations have corrupted the original intent. Now, I’m NOT against different translations, I’m all for them, but when it comes to finding out the original intent, a serious Bible student will always go back to the original language for more details and a better interpretation.  Based on the history of GOD’s people, I see a definite pattern repeating itself. Ecclesiastes is clear on the fact that there is nothing new under the sun that GOD has not already done. The problem is man, not GOD. 
The church is so obsessed with the accepted church age timeline that she has her head up her butt, just waiting for the Rapture, and  almost seemingly excited about the Tribulation period for all those sinners out there to taste the wrath of GOD.  Pardon my expression, but there is no other way to describe it. They are not watching for the Remnant.   The church is arrogant, mostly bullies, and obstinate, just like Scripture says.  If it’s not in a commentary by the scholars, then, it’s not accurate.  How DUMB is that?  What were the commentators, but, mere mortals who didn’t live long?  Only by actually living through history will knowledge increase, and wisdom for the wise.  We have a hundred or more years of history of living through than the commentators. We have seen more, the more we see, the more we see a pattern.
Now, go with me here for a minute.  Raise your hand if you think for one minute that GOD will let arrogant, mortal man, full of sin and pride to predict His next move?  Haven’t we tried that before and failed?  Did the Northern Kingdom Israel see the Assyrians coming in to conquer them?  Did Judah see Babylon coming for them, even though they were told?  (Habakkuk, Isaiah, Jeremiah) Heck no!.  The prophets did, but did they believe them?  NOPE!   So, say there were 450 false prophet for every one true prophet. (1 Kings 17-19, 1 Kings 22) Let’s take this on a global scale.  If there were a couple of million people at best, and that’s an exaggeration, in GOD’s nation only, I’m talking the Jews, and there were approximately 450 false to one real one, then, let’s assume there is about 4 billion Christians in the world.  Can anyone do the math for how many false (or mistaken) prophets/teachers there might be to one who authentically anointed and appointed of GOD? 
Now, I’m not about to go and point out any false ones, it’s not my place to do it, nor anyone else’s.  GOD did not put us here to point fingers.  I know, Scripture say to rebuke and correct, yes, but in our own congregations, on a personal level, not to get all up in YouTube and start pointing out fault with every teacher with which we disagree.   It’s not my place to call out a Joel Osteen, for instance, nor, is it anyone else’s except in his small circle of advisors and the Holy Spirit.  I don’t know about you, but, I don’t’ recall anywhere in Scripture where it said that Jesus needs to take a coffee break from the Judgment Seat of Christ, and says to anyone else, “Here, have a seat and take over for me while I have a smoke and a cup of coffee.”  There are two judgment seats, one is called the Judgment seat of Christ and one is the Great White Throne Judgment seat.  The latter is in the book of Revelation, whereas the former is in the book of Romans and 1st Corinthians
Now, go find them and read all the verses surrounding them.  Remember what I said.  I will not spoon feed my readers, I will send you to the source to learn it yourself.  So, stop here and do that.., I’ll wait.
I have much more to write on this topic, however, my blogs are written on a "Divinely Inspired" time-table. I can only write when I feel the nudge from the Holy Spirit.   Go, dig and research for yourself. If you believe I’m wrong, feel free to email me, and state your opinion.  It is not my place to call out false teachers, it’s my job to show my readers how to find and dig for the truth, like QAnon brought out the researchers in the QPatriots.

    Take it to the proper place, Facebook!       Everyone says never to air our dirty laundry publicly on Facebook or social media, but I th...