Friday, August 26, 2022

 Some Hills Just Aren't Worth Dying On.

There are so many people out there who just don't get it. But, it's taken me almost six decades to get it myself. My mother cursed me by saying the usual mother's curse, "I hope you have a child just like you." Well, I had two. Like their mother, they insist on dying on every hill. They have to win an argument or debate. Sadly, I taught them that. I made a lot of mistakes as a mother of 8, and that was one of them. I didn't learn this lesson until recently, so I do not expect them to learn it any easier or earlier.

Being a writer, student of the Word, student of people, and all around social person behind the blue screen of a monitor, I observe a lot of people arguing online. I too used to be one of those who could get into a good knock down drag out fight on Twitter or Facebook, or anywhere someone lit my fire with what I call their folly. It's so foolish to start and even try to continue a fight or debate on social media sites, just as foolish as it is to fight with one's significant other in a text conversation. It goes nowhere fast, and both end up worse off then when the conversation began.

With the world the way it is, now, there is a great divide, one like I've never witnessed. There are what we Patriots call "The Normies" and worse than them are those with "Trump Delusional Syndrome." The normies are the average TV-watching, fake-news believing, let's call them JonesTowners. They have drunk the Kool-aid, and there is no way to get that poison out of their system. They may mean well and be perfectly "normal," passivists, but they aren't helping the cause, they are hurting it by their obedience to fascism.

Those with TDS, on the other hand, are seriously mentally disturbed, but not because of a mental illness, but because of a demonic influence. We've all seen short TikTok videos of them doing simply insane things that would have gotten them locked up a few decades ago. I'm sure we've all experienced the crazed woman screaming her head off when Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, or the obese pro-abortion radicals, walking around near naked, swearing to go on a sex strike to prove the point that their body is their own and giving states back their rights to govern themselves is akin to taking away their right to dispose of their unwanted consequences of gratuitous sex. Although, I doubt many of those women are out every night exploring new territories beneath the sheets. (Just my ugly opinion.)

Both of these kinds of people are in the category of woke liberalism. They are the cancel culture and they support crazed agendas that no one would have believed post WWII or even in the 60's-70's. They are trapped there. For many, there's no escape because it is of YHVH GOD. The Bible is clear that He would send strong delusions to force them to believe the lies, and worse than that act out in strange demonic ways. Have you noticed that these people get so radically angry that every other word that comes out of their mouths is the F word? They seem to have gone completely mad! (Pun intended) In a way, they have. GOD has turned them over to their natural selves, and there is no way to rescue them. (Romans 1)

Arguing with a woke/delusional liberal is absolute foolishness. These people are cursed of GOD. They are condemned. They have Trump Delusional Syndrome. They are programmed to hate Trump. It comes from the pit of hell, because he is an instrument that YHVH GOD is using to take down the evil syndicate.

It is the same with hardline fundamentalist New Testament Christian church people who treat the New Testament as if it replaced the Old Testament, or as we like to call them, the Hebrew Scriptures. They read and follow Paul as if he replaced Jesus. They take Paul's words so out of context that they completely contradict what Yeshua clearly taught in the Gospels. These man-made doctrines are so ingrained in them from generations of seminary-taught pastors who drilled it into them, that getting them to even consider that they have been taught wrong is like knocking down a hornet's nest in the middle of the day surrounded by sea of hornets. You are asking for trouble, and you are going to get stung, there is no way around it. You cannot reason with these people. They have all been so brainwashed and conditioned to think their way, and YHVH GOD has chosen NOT to reveal the truth to them. Don't get me wrong, I am not questioning their salvation in any way shape or form. First of all, I am not YHVH GOD, and salvation is in TRUSTING Yeshua, not in knowing the Scriptures properly, as written in historical and cultural context.
Many of these church people hate Trump. They also have Trump Delusional Syndrome, because Trump isn't a Biblical scholar, or a saint like Joseph or King David (ah hem, clears throat) or such, hence he can't be an instrument of GOD. These people have zero knowledge of Biblical history and the politics throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. They have been taught that King David was such a righteous man that he never got it wrong about YHVH GOD. How wrong they are. David was clueless when it came to the Torah, and 2 Samuel 6 proves that. He knew nothing of the Scriptures, because by the time he came to power, the Torah had been just as corrupted and mostly lost and misunderstood as contemporary Christianity has become today, with its thousands of Protestant denominations and the Vatican. I'll stop there. Times were no different then than they are now.

Many church people think we are living in the worst of times, because they have no true historical knowledge of all the evil that existed before they were born. The Bible is replete with the most horrific evil, but it is white-washed or ignored, because it doesn't sound uplifting. I stopped arguing with these people, because YHVH GOD said it was folly. Instead of "converting or educating" these people, arguing with them sinks us to their level. YVHV GOD has chosen to blind them, and who among us thinks they can go beyond what GOD has already decided and change His order?

We have no more power to change or convict a non-believer of their need for a Savior than we do to change or convince these people of the truth. The only power that can do that is the Holy Spirit. If YHVH GOD so chooses, He will, but getting into a knock down drag out fight on social media just adds fuel to their fire, and instead of helping them, many times we are making them worse.

    Take it to the proper place, Facebook!       Everyone says never to air our dirty laundry publicly on Facebook or social media, but I th...