This is a true story, and proof GOD's Hand is so Sovereign and Supernatural that it's impossible to deny that He was at work proving to me that He had a work for me to do, and LOVE'S MUSES was a part of that work.
A week later, when a friend of ours daughter died, I went on a prayer walk, feeling so poorly over their grief, that I walked by the store and was reminded of what I found the week before. I thought it was crazy to go into the store to expect to see another miraculous sign, and yet I did it, anyway. There did my wondering eyes did see, but two Coke Zero bottles side by side on the second shelf in the front row. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. (Kyle and Jennifer are the two antagonists step-siblings of Nick in LOVE'S MUSES, and they were in Coke ZERO bottles, on the shelf below where I found the Katie and Nick bottles. That was no strange or freak coincidence.
A couple of weeks after that, when my daughter-in-law was giving birth to our first grandson, I went down to the cafeteria to get something to eat, and there did my wondering eyes did see was a Michael and Matthew bottle side by side in the front row of the cooler. I did not buy them, as I only had a small amount of cash with me, but I did take a picture of them. (Michael and Matthew are the identical twins who are also main characters in the life of Katie Lynn Moore of LOVE'S MUSES.)
And again, few weeks later, while the children were at Wednesday night Awana's at a church in Lexington, I went to the Walmart to buy a drink, and there did my wondering eyes did see but Matt and Rebecca bottle side by side. (Rebecca and Matthew are the brother-in-law and sister-in-law to Katie Lynn Moore, and also main characters in LOVE'S MUSES.)
A couple of weeks later after that, Michael and I went on a walk, and there, at the Dollar General on the sidewalk, on top of a clothing rack, all by itself was a Brooke bottle of CocaCola. (Brooke is another antagonist, turned protagonist in LOVE'S MUSES, who was the deluded groupie of the famed country singer Nick Thomas, and she ended up being all alone in the entire storyline, the only one who did.)
You can call me crazy, but these things DID happen in 2014, while I was going through cancer treatments and writing and editing LOVE'S MUSES. There is no earthly explanation, and statistically speaking for those bottles to be found together like that is impossible.
How many coincidences does it take before they become mathematically IMPOSSIBLE?
I positively loathe January, my birthday month, because I never expected to grow old all alone. I find it almost impossible to stay upbeat or keep from crying all day long. So many people who are not walking with GOD or walking uprightly are getting everything they want, while I sit here getting not one thing that I've asked GOD for, and I don't ask for material goods. I have to look at those CocaCola bottles on a daily basis to keep reminded that there is a GOD, and He is good, and in control with a marvelous plan, even though there are days when I find it impossible to believe that there is a Good and Wholly Sovereign GOD who has a good plan for my life.
Whatever it takes to keep you hanging on to the hem of his garment, do it. This is where we take the training wheels off the bicycle of faith.