I know that you are probably going to think that I've lost my marbles, all of them, not just the sum of them that I had lost over these past few years, but bear with me, because I've actually found a few! I know to some, this is going to sound like fiction, but know this, I hate fiction, even if I've written a few fictional books. (It wasn't by my choice, but by GOD's calling. More on that later, much later.) When it comes to my blog posts, they are completely non-fiction and truth, as best as I know it. So, if you haven't lived in a cave, you may have heard of this Qanon, or the Q conspiracy thing on the news. People say not to mix religion and politics, well, that's impossible because they are intricately intertwined in all eras of time. The Bible is replete with it. GOD is the author of all politics, it's not just a man thing. GOD appointed kings, defended kings, and let select kings fall. This political movement we are watching isn't about a Presidential election, it is about good verses evil. GOD called Jeremiah a prophet to the nations. He and Isaiah both had to confront and advise kings. Many of GOD's prophets in the Bible were assigned to confront or anoint kings. These were all laymen, not military advisors, or brilliant scholars.
So, this non-prophet, research junkie has done enough investigative research to to make my eyes bleed. It's my nature. I search a matter out until I find the truth. When I finally do, GOD affirms what I have found through Scripture and that inexplicable peace that passes all understanding. Q has been labeled a conspiracy theory by the enemy of the people, the ones who want us destroyed, the Satanist, the Cabal, or better known as the Deep State. One cannot call something a conspiracy when the other party has rock-solid, and I mean digital-copies of proof of EVERYTHING that the "enemy" of the state has done. Ecclesiastes tells us that nothing there is nothing new under the sun. So, if it happened in the natural in the Old Testament, then in the present/latter days, it will happen in a spiritual sense, but on a much larger scale. This is why I find credibility to the Q-movement. It is in the Old Testament in what is call a portrait of future events. I'm sure over these past eight years, you are aware of the battle going on right now between two forces. There are three types of people right now in this battle. There are the digital warriors who are awake and believe nothing they see on TV or social media news. There are the WOKE cancel culture who want to cancel all that is good and righteous as described by GOD in the Bible. Then, there are the Normies. Those are the confused. They aren't quite awake yet, but they aren't WOKE, either. Sadly, they are the sensationalists who believe everything they see, and sometimes, they cave into their fear and do what they ought not to do, i.e. get the jab.
Because President Trump visually walked away from the White House, by design and plan, there are a lot less Normies now than there were four years ago. In fact, because the Q team, or rather the White Hats running this deliverance plan, have been operating behind the scenes, we have been shown over the past three years what the evil Deep State had been planning to do to this country and the world all along. This was something that the people had to be shown, because if they were told, they would not have believed it. In fact, we did try to tell the world, and most of us were not only laughed off, but some of us lost family members over this.
With the current state of affairs, we find the leftists literally losing their minds, and their hair. I recently saw a woman at the hospital who had shaved her head. She looked at me, saw my Trump hoodie, then put her head down. The next time I looked up, she had a knit winter hat on her head. I could almost feel her embarrassment for jumping to on the bandwagon too impulsively. I felt really sad for her. She believed the lies she was told, and so have too many others. The legacy media has lied to them and cause mass psychosis, almost akin to the COVID scam. I feel sorry for some of these lefties, because they haven't been able to hear or know the truth. I do hope that some of them will be able to see the truth and cling on to it, but I'm afraid more are lost and forever condemned because they think this whole election was about abortion. Quite frankly, the devil loves the Abortion wall that keeps people in the world out of the Believer's world. Can't you see how he has used it as a fiery dart to keep unbelievers trapped in his lies? To be frank, I'm pro-choice, because GOD is pro-choice. After all, where did He put the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, inside or outside of the Garden? GOD wants us to choose life, and sometimes that means ending the debate, throwing away your birth control and actually living what you believe. Radical, isn't it?
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