What is in your [kill brackets]?
I am a hard-core Q patriot. I love everything Q. In fact, if it weren't for Q, I don't know how I would have survived the past three years of my miserable life. Before Q came along, I was completely all out of hope. All looked so bleak, inside my personal life, outside my home, and all over this dreadful planet. I was not paying particular attention to the date when I wrote it, but it was a few days later I was to discover that I wrote it on September 11, 2018 which was exactly SEVENTEEN years after it had happened, and it posted exactly at 10:03 am, which was the exact time Flight 93 allegedly went down in Shanksville, PA. I do believe there is a lot more to that story than meets the eye, because by the look of the area, there is no way a Boeing 757-222 crashed there, leaving nothing more than a burnt crater of ash. Honestly, people, how many airplane crashes have you seen where NOT a trace of an aircraft was left distinguishable? None, I’d say, but that’s a blog topic for another day.

That being said, I’ll say what Q has taught us to believe, “How many coincidences does it take before something becomes mathematically impossible?" I love that! What's the chance that I just so happened to be inspired to write about the world-wide famous, fact-based phenomenon we call Q, on September 11, having no idea about the date, or the posting time. When I get inspired by GOD to write, I have to stop everything and just go write. I never know the topic ahead of time, nor the lesson I'm trying to share, until it's all done. It's as if GOD is teaching me through my fingers on the keyboard, and I'm sharing it with you at the same time as I am learning it from Him.
I know this Great Awakening which started with the first Q post is from GOD. I found precedent in the Bible for Q, and that is what gave it credibility for me. Not only did I find it in Bible prophecy, but I found a natural event that was a type of what we are seeing Q do for us now. I'll have to write an entire blog post on Daniel 5 and how it relates to Q-posts on the 8-chan wall on a later date. As stated before, whenever something happens in the OT Scriptures in the natural, GOD repeats the event in the Spiritual in our latter times, but on a global size, with prophetic significance to the historicity of His dealings with His people. (It's called typology.) There is NO human who could have seen that coming, but an Almighty who inspires such topics, and arranges the times and moments of my day, could, because He wrote it in my story before one day of my life began. These topics and ideas come out of nowhere, and they are usually way over my ability to put words together to make any kind of sense, for example, using [kill brackets] to teach a spiritual lesson that Elohim taught me about my particular time of trial and testing. Q used [kill brackets] to let us know what this plan would eventually eliminate, be it an corrupt agency or a corrupt politician bought and sold to the highest bidder.

Our lives are recorded in the Books in Heaven, every word and every deed. Our biography is playing out day by day as we breathe and speak. GOD will publish the work after we are gone, but until then, we take part in what is written on each page. So, let's take that thought and ask ourselves, what's in our [kill bracket] that needs to be eliminated or dealt with because it is holding us back from being successful in this chapter of our lives? We can't stop the pages from turning, nor the years from rolling by, but we can effect how the sentences are written, how the paragraph is composed and how long it takes to get to the end of that paragraph. We can have a full page of good, or an empty blank white page, because we choose not to act upon something the LORD is nudging us to do. We put off the inevitable and only add pages to our books, but empty pages. Sometimes, that which causes us to put off what GOD is trying to write into our narrative is pure and simple opposition from the pit of hell, things we can’t seem to master.
I will tell you what's in my [kill bracket]. It's [FEAR]! That blasted thing, won't leave. It is in every page, every chapter, and I haven’t been able to kill it, myself. Every time I think I’ve won the battle, that hideous evil entity pops up, again. I fight it daily, but there are times it stops me cold dead in my tracks and causes me to leave blank pages in my life where I’ve accomplished no good. It has the most power over my life when I dwell on it and actually get in the [fear brackets] with it, and let it control me. It stops me if I hold up my work behind the [brackets] and I do not complete my sentence. The only way to complete my sentences, my narrative is to either go around the [fear bracket] or to defeat it. We will always face [opposition], it never goes away, but we have a choice to let it stop us, defeat us, and destroy or diminish our narrative.
The [fear] that holds me back is seemingly [never leaving this horrible chapter of my life]. This chapter of my life has been simply dreadful, and what feels like the longest. It's been about six years with each paragraph more negative than the previous. The promises of GOD in the Bible are my springboard that usually catapult me over the [fear brackets]. I know them all, but at times, they just seem like words on a page, and not a reality, or a my destiny in Him. The longer this chapter drags on, the less weight the words on the pages of the Bible seem to have. That's when I get stuck inside the [fear bracket].
I tell myself, "GET OUT OF THE [ ], but most times, I need Supernatural assistance, and He never fails to pull me out when I can’t get out on my own. So, I ask you, what's in your [kill brackets]? What keeps tripping you up, causing your run-on sentence or never-ending paragraph that is keeping you from being able to turn the page? It is my hope and desire to assist you in locating and recognizing your [opposition] and to help you recognize it, learn how to get around it, and seek the only One who can help you kill it, because, as Q has taught us digital soldiers in this battle:
"Where we go one, we go all!"
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