Friday, March 29, 2024

 Me, Myself, and I AM

You know, when you have no one to talk to because no one wants to listen to your babbling, you talk to yourself, alot. You'll be having a nice conversation up there in your head, and the whole time GOD is eavesdropping on the conversation. So, then one of you will bring up a topic or question, then GOD will subtly butt in and put a suggestion/answer there. So, your other self says,

"Hey where did that come from?" And yourself says,

"Not me, that's way too brilliant." Then you hear a slight,

"Duh!" because GOD has a great sense of humor.

So yeah, that's where I get all my info and wisdom and insight which is WAY over my head. Pun not intended, well, maybe intended a little.

If you find yourself isolated through no fault of you own, consider that GOD wants you to have a conversation with yourself so He can interject. That's how it works. Now mind you, anything that GOD can interject, so can the adversary's minions assigned to you to defeat you. So make sure it lines up with the Whole Counsel of GOD as well as the Character of GOD. You may want to hold it in for a while. One thing about GOD, He absolutely confirms something He gives you one or more times, so wait it out. How do you know it's really from GOD and not something you made up or wished? It won't appeal to the flesh, your carnal nature. It will likely be something no one else would want to do, or it may seem somewhat illogical. That's GOD. He is illogical. We all have a little Spock (star trek) living in us, but we must all be Captain Kirk's and go where no man has gone before.

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