NO-Fault Divorce, Legal in Civil Law, Illegal in GOD's LAW
Both my husband and I grew up in MISERABLY, horribly abusive homes from fathers who declared war on our mothers. Both our mothers were profoundly affected by our father's actions. Both fathers abandoned us. When we married, we were not Christians. Five years later, we had another ceremony and entered into a covenant marriage. I signed those papers, and because I signed those papers, swearing to GOD that I would NEVER sign divorce papers, I must keep my word to GOD.
My husband and I had eight children together, each baby was dedicated in church where we vowed to raise them in a loving, nurturing Christian home with both mother and father taking equal part in their upbringing. Henceforth, that is ten times we both vowed to the LORD not to ever divorce. Now, I am keeping those ten vows, and whatever happens, happens. My husband declared war on me, on his children and on GOD by going through with a civil NO-FAULT divorce. When I first got the papers, I was absolutely devastated. I did not even open them. I laid them on the altar, and prayed over them, asking GOD what to do. He said to stay the course. Then I gave them back to my husband and told him this was his war against GOD. I did not want to deal with it. Then, the second time papers came, I reacted the same way, and I did the same. Again, I got the same answer from GOD, and again, I did not open them. I knew if I did that I would hate my husband, and I never wanted to hate the father of my children, the man I swore my undying love to twice. I will forever be devastated by his divorcing GOD, then me.
I will not participate in this war on the family we both vowed to protect. It was when I came down with cancer, six months after he did that he told me that he would divorce me "after my treatments were over." He destroyed his family and over Skype on the thirty-six anniversary of the day he asked me to marry him, which is a double offense. Imagine, divorcing your wife of thirty-five years over Skype. How low can one go? Really, the offense is far beyond what words can even describe. I used to love and admire my husband greatly. I do not love my husband anymore, no wife could. I don't want to live with him, either. I am will to do whatever it is that GOD wills, even if that meant remaining only legally wed for the rest of my life. My husband has admitted that he is not doing GOD's will. Man may declare this marriage dissolved, but according to GOD's Word in Matthew, Mark, Luke, Romans, and 1 Corinthians, it remains full and intact in the eyes of GOD. He said, let no man put asunder. Marriage is over only after death. GOD let it be known to me that if He allows my husband this divorce, then he indeed was declaring war on me, on his children, on his family and on Jesus Christ. And yet, that man attends church faithfully, while I stopped attending Christian church seven years ago, and I have no intentions of ever going back. Sin is rampant in the church, and as in Joshua 7, when one man is corrupt and allowed to get away with it, the whole camp loses.
No-fault divorce is a treacherous act, a heinous act, it's the murdering of the one-flesh. It is similar to the act of abortion, selling baby parts for profit is no different then ripping families apart for profit in a no-fault divorce. He says in His Word that He hates divorce, Malachi 2:16. It's simply amazing how many married Christians like to remind divorced people how much GOD hates divorce, whether that person is the victim or the perpetrator. We know how much He hates it, because we hate it just as much. The United States has what is called a NO-FAULT divorce, leaving the victim with no recourse. The only thing we have is YHVH GOD to defend us, and quite frankly, that's better than man's law. GOD's justice is slow in coming, but, I've lived long enough to see disease ridden sinners suffer the consequences of a dreadful death. Some are wise enough to repent on their death beds, and sadly, some are stubborn and defiant until their last breaths.
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