For the misfit, the one who just does not fit in, and probably does not want to. We are the rejects of the world, the ones stomped on, the ones GOD loves to use the most, because, my friends, empathy is earned.
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
The Ark on a New Cart
The Temple was it. The Sanhedrin/Pharisees/Sadducees so terribly corrupted Judaism for so many centuries that the Jews in Jesus's day did not know the difference between the Talmud teaching and the Torah. This angered Jesus, as you can tell by his dealings with the Pharisees. He insulted them on every level possible. Friends, history repeats itself over and over, why? Because we are human and we rather to create our own historical narrative so we can keep on living in denial of the hard truth. We refused to study every detail of the past, hence, we re-write it. We re-create it in our own image of what we thought it was or what we wanted it to be to justify our own life choices. The seminaries and clergy have to change the narrative in order to keep the brainwashed sheep in the pews and the pastors in their pockets. I understand this may offend, but Yeshua didn't mind offending the Pharisees for all the lies they told, and this Joan-the-not-baptist-anymore feels exactly the same way.
Fast forward two thousand years. It is the exact same thing with "Christianity" as we know it. Generational Christians who have been sitting in pews since they were embryo's like their mothers, and their mothers before them, etc..., make the Christian church the center of all their lives. Christianity, as they learned it, is the difference between eternity in Hell or in Paradise. There is no difference between the church today and the Sanhedrin then, not one bit of difference. Christianity was "invented" by corrupt church fathers, one main player was Eusebius who directed Constantine to lie about his alleged vision to win over the Christians.
Constantine took it a bit further, and with goal of ridding the planet of the hated Jews. They were hated by all the evil emperors and now the early church fathers. So, what did Constantine do? He pulled rank on The Almighty. He outlawed the Torah and the Tanukh. (The Law and the Prophets) Can you imagine the gall it must take to outlaw YVHV's commands? (the correct Hebrew spelling). Not only did he outlaw the Mosaic Law, he changed the day of worship to the day of his sun god's worship and forced Christians to adapt. Sunday, the Lord's Day is not even the correct context. The Lord's Day in Rome was the one day a year that all citizen's had to swear absolute loyalty and profess the emperor as Lord, or be killed. That is why it was called the Lord's Day. It has absolutely nothing to do with Yeshua resurrecting on the eighth day. Here is a perfect example of the church changing the narrative to fit with their lie keeping the pew filled on Sunday and the staff's paycheck's secure for another week.
I have been isolated for ten years by the Hand of the LORD. It's been lonely, but He had to teach me the truth without interference from what I call "the deep state church." We, the True Remnant are the two houses of Israel that GOD is reuniting after 3,000 years. We are hated as much as the Pharisees hated Yeshua. GOD did not choose a pew baby to go in and try and rescue the other pew babies, He has chosen an outsider, a Yankee in the Bible Belt. This makes my calling all that much more confusing to me. I hate what Christianity became, but it's the equivalent of Gideon taking on the Midianites with 300 men with lamps and pitchers. I can't reach generational Protestants and Roman Catholic, even though I used to be one of each of those. I spent 26 years in the Roman Catholic traditions and 26 years in the Protestant traditions. I know how each of them think, but I also know the true historicity of the Hebrew people and Christianity, I suppose that's the confusion Moses must have had when raised as an Egyptian for 40 years had to turn his back on it, leave the Hebrews who also rejected him and spend 40 more years in the wilderness alone trying to figure out who he was, until that day when GOD called him from the Burning Bush.
Not all will believe that for their entire lives they have been lied to by the church for 1900 years, just like not all will believe that they have been lied to by their government, teachers, and college professors since the early 1900's. Do you see the correlation here? It's the narrative that is the lie. It wasn't until I left the church and really started living in the Bible that I learned it and nothing like the way the church had taught it to me for almost three decades. I could go into great detail about the Law/Torah and the Prophets/Tanukh, but that is not my intend. SHOCK and AWE is what I'm hoping for here, then when the Holy Spirit speaks to the hearts of those whom GOD has chosen to know the truth, and they get back up from that great big fall, I'll be there with all my best friends, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, Ezra, Nehemiah, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and of course Malachi. It will be my pleasure to introduce you to them. America in the the Bible, folks, we are Joseph's seed, what the prophets call the house of Ephraim. YHVH, as promised is bringing His two "quarreling children" back together, and uniting the thirteen tribes. Yes, there were thirteen, just like there was thirteen chosen Disciples. I'll let you chew on that one for a while.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
NO-Fault Divorce, Legal in Civil Law, Illegal in GOD's LAW
Both my husband and I grew up in MISERABLY, horribly abusive homes from fathers who declared war on our mothers. Both our mothers were profoundly affected by our father's actions. Both fathers abandoned us. When we married, we were not Christians. Five years later, we had another ceremony and entered into a covenant marriage. I signed those papers, and because I signed those papers, swearing to GOD that I would NEVER sign divorce papers, I must keep my word to GOD.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
God does not fix what's wrong with
"To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted. For whoever has, to him more will shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him. Therefore, I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand."
John 1:
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