Tuesday, August 6, 2024

 Thus Saith The LORD

     One time I was talking to an elder, someone I respected and I relayed something I believe GOD told me, and his wise words stopped me dead in my tracks.  He said, "Kristina, be very careful when you say GOD said this, or thus saith the LORD, because if He didn't say it, He will humble you in a very embarrassing and humiliatingly way.  Boy, was the best advice I've even taken heed to.  There seems to be a plethora of self-proclaimed prophets out there taking to the stage and patriotic assemblies, in particular the Awakening Tour.  The mere fact that it forces you to re-mortgage your house just to go should be red flag enough.  If a Christian convention costs you some of your retirement money, then you I can assure you that you are better off keeping that money in your IRA, and not paying the penalty for early withdrawal, because it will cost you more than just dollars and sense.  And I mean that the way I wrote it. 

     I've been watching some of these as of late, because I've been doubting myself.  Whenever I think I got it wrong, I turn to those I know have it wrong, and then I feel so much better.  Scripture is clear, John 16:13 says  GOD does speak to us through the Holy Spirit, however, He speaks to us about us.  When someone says, "GOD told me to proclaim this on YouTube or in public, and it's their own version of a modern prophecy concerning current events, and they are using the words they alleged GOD said in first person, you can be absolutely assured YHVH GOD, the one who said, "Let there be light,"  did not say that to them.  

     I can only give you an example of when I truly and positively heard GOD speak to me as audibly in my spirit as possible without others hearing it.  It happened on March 20, 2012 in the oddest of places.  I wasn't in a church, or at a Christian Conference or any place I would expect to hear from GOD.  In fact, I wasn't even looking for GOD, speaking to GOD, or seeking him in anyway shape or form.  I was actually as a country music artist's concert at the Grand Ole' Opry.  He hears specifically, Kristina, I have a work for you to do, here.”  There is no way I made that up in my head, because at the time, I had just spent the previous near three years as far away from God as I could have been. I hadn’t opened my Bible in a very long time.  Fifteen minutes before that I had a spiritual awakening equivalent to being born-again, again, if that were possible, and it is not, by the way. We’ll get into that another day.   When we accept the gift of grace through Jesus as our Savior, it’s a package deal. The Holy Spirit living in us is the bonus gift.  The Holy Spirit is the operator between God and man. He’s the direct connect to the Father. It’s kind of like, “Operator, connect me to…,” (Some of you may not be even old enough to know that the old fashion way of connecting to another person with the telephone, was via a central person at a switchboard, as in way back when).  If you need something more contemporary, as soon as you pull up a web-browser, you are connected to the Internet. Now, are we connecting? (No pun intended, well, maybe intended a little bit.) 

Now, how do you know that it is God? There is a simple litmus test you can put the words you hear to, and that will tell you who you are listening to, yourself, the enemy, or God. Ask yourself these questions, and then you’ll know if it’s God or his enemy masquerading as an angel of light, because, the devil’s minions know Scripture even better than we do, hard to fathom, but it’s the truth. 

These are the ways to test it?

1 Does it build me up in my faith and knowledge of God and His grace? 2. Does it lead me to a deeper relationship with God? ll it work for the benefit of His Kingdom? 4 Does it line up with not only Scripture, but the principle behind Scripture? 5. Does it line up with the character of God?

     If you can answer yes to ALL those questions, and it has to be all, you just heard from God, via His Operator, the Holy Spirit.   If you think that you have heard from God about someone else sinning and that you should go confront them, in all likelihood, that is the devil trying to spark division among the brethren.  If the Holy Spirit makes us aware of something in another person’s life, that is a direct command to pray for that person, not go knocking on his door. You see, God wants a relationship with that person directly, through the Holy Spirit, and not through you. We are no one’s holy spirit, and we need to stop acting like we are.  A great example would be that neighbor, friend, or brother/sister in Christ who is getting a divorce, does not need to hear from you that God hates divorce, because guess what, folks, that person already knows that, and I’m going to venture a guess that person isn’t too happy about it either.  If both parties are listening to God for themselves, and God wants that couple to stay married, GOD will work on both their hearts, we don’t need to. (Please read 1 Corinthians 7 for further information)  I dare say, even if they go through with the divorce, the Sovereign hand of God will intervene and that couple will reunite, if that is the will of God. 

For as much as God hates divorce, God hates sin. Both exist, both fall under the umbrella of Grace. There are some cases where it will be God Himself who will initiate the divorce.  The Scripture says, “What God has brought together, let no MAN put asunder.”  Did you catch that no man part? That does not mean no judge, it means no man in his own mind and heart by his will of “disposable marriages.” God does will the separation of a husband and wife, either by death or by divorce in certain circumstances, when it benefits the couple or the Kingdom. (Isaiah 55:8-9 My thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways) This is a subject for another blog entry, right now, we are talking about hearing from God, concerning your own walk with Him, not the person sitting in the pew next to you, behind you or in front of you.  Case in point,

 When Peter saw him, he asked “Lord, what about him?”  Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” (John 21:21)  

      In other words, Peter, shut up and mind your own business. Keep your eyes on our relationship, you and me, only.  Scripture does allow us to intervene in some cases, especially if a particular sin could lead to imminent danger or disaster.  Brother and sister, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you may also be tempted.”  (Galatians 6:1)  A prime example of course would be in 2 Samuel. Over a year after David “ruled” over Bathsheba in between the royal sheets, Nathan brought a parable to David, who was incensed, then Nathan held up the mirror to David, and the king took ownership of his sin.  Because Nathan was a prophet, close to God, we can assume God talked to him about how to deal with this, we now have the most wonderful repentant Psalm in the Bible, Psalm 51. 

 God speaks individually for your relationship with him to blossom into a beautiful garden of love and grace, for your benefit, for the Kingdom's sake, and for His Glory.  He does not tattle on brother John Doe.  God knows how to get through to him better than you. Just have a nice lovely chat with God about brother John Doe, and trust God with him. It really doesn’t matter what you say to God about brother John Doe, because God knows how to filter out the bad and leave in the good. He’s like that, you know. 

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