Wednesday, April 10, 2024



Once saved always saved is a very dangerous doctrine that is sending multitudes to hell. The pastors responsible for teaching this, GOD will hold accountable. Many people use it as an excuse to live however they want and worship a god they have made up in their head. They think they are worshiping the true GOD, but, they usually aren't if they are living they way they want, not in obedience to the True GOD. Works do NOT save us, but obedience to GOD proves that we are truly His. Is it faith that saves us or faithfulness? I know, that sounds like a works doctrine, and quite frankly, I do not care. We are saved through our faith and trust in Jesus, but we prove our faith by acting upon the words He taught us.

Let's examine the word "saved." Notice that it is the past tense of the word. How can we be saved if we are still here on earth. We aren't actually saved until our life is over, and we are securely in Heaven with our Savior. What we are doing down here is as Paul said is, "Working out our salvation with fear and trembling." The fear of GOD is the beginning of wisdom. Those who believe in the safety net of "once saved always saved," do not truly fear GOD, because that doctrine has given them a license to live in sin. They say, "we are under grace not law," hence they make grace and free will their idol to live however they want. We will be judged by the Law, everyone of us. We aren't saved by following it to the letter, but we will prove to YHVH GOD and ourselves that our salvation and future in heaven is true if we observe as much of the Law as humanly possible. Even Yeshua could not observe the 613 Laws of Moses, because he was not a woman, hence he could not observe the laws for woman, nor was he married, hence he coud not fulfill the Laws pertaining to husbands and wives. Do you see? There are many aspects of the Law we cannot fulfill, and that is where that wondeful word GRACE applies. GOD knows that we cannot follow the whole Law, but does the wipe it out? As Paul send in Romans, Heaven's NO!

My (ex) husband says, "We are all sinners." and that seems to give him the excuse to abandon all his vows he made to GOD and his family and me ten times? That's like your child coming out of your womb, or wife's womb declaring themselves you child who will at times break your rules, hence they won't live by any of them, but they'll still be your child because he has your name. Would you then not hold him accountable to the rules in your household because both of you know that he won't be able to obey all of them all the time based on the fact that he was born a sinner? Of couse not. If you love him, you'll teach him right from wrong and if he loves you, he'll strive to learn from you. My husband is convinced that he's saved just because he believes that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, but he has no interest in doing and acting upon the things of GOD. I have tried to tell him that living in rebellion outside of GOD's will is proof that he is not interested in the True GOD of the Bible, just just the one he's created in his own image, one that he can accept, instead of the other way around. One thing Jesus promised with athe assurance of salvation is the Holy Spirit, whose job it is to teach us within and guide us and lead us. He also has the job of convincting us of sin. If one is not convicted of an obvious sin, like doing what GOD hates, then one must not have the Holy Spirit living in them. Can one sin with the Holy Spirit living in them? Of course, we are human and GOD does not expect perfection. It is possible to quench the Spirit in us and only living out the Laws we "want" to live and still trust Jesus for our salvation. It is for GOD to decide whether we truly wanted to know Him or not, and definitely not anyone else's business.

Some carnal-minded people will go up against the will of GOD, claiming that man has free will, and all sins are forgiven, past, present, future. There is enough truth in that to be deceiving, because that's how the devil works. He puts truth mixed in with his lies to deceive many. They've been taught once saved, always saved, and they use that false assurance as permission from the god they made up in their heads by their faulty reasoning as an excuse for their carnal lifestyles. Jesus says he will vomit these lukewarm, deceived church goers out of his mouth. The Greek word for "spit you out" really means VOMIT. How being called vomit doesn't bother some, behooves me.

Jesus said that the greatest commandment is to love GOD with all our hearts, our souls, and our mind. I don't know about you but when I love someone like that, I'm going to do anything to please them, even if it means living completely contrary to what my carnal flesh desires. I have been my husband's wife for almost thirty-nine years, and for a good many of them, he was devoted to doing the things of GOD. He was devoted to being in the church and serving, and yet, somehow, all that has changed. He goes to church, a mega church where he can hide in the shadows, but doing the hard things of GOD, well, he's decided he doesn't have to, because once saved, always saved is his belief. It suits his lifestyle. I don't claim to know the things of GOD and who will end up where, however, right now it appears as if my ex-husband may not be truly saved, and that grieves me to no end. I know GOD's Grace is huge, but I don't believe it is cheap. How do I know that he knows he's doing wrong? I asked him, "Is GOD telling you to divorce me. Just give me a yes or no answer." He said no. He admitted to going up against the will of GOD when he divorced every vow he made to GOD and me and his children. I think the people who need to worry the most about whether or not they are saved, are the ones who are sure they are, based on that faulty man's doctrine of "ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED." If you are living outside the will of GOD and know it, then maybe man's doctrine is not what you should be following.

Hebrews 6:4 is one of those verses that most eternal security preachers will avoid like the plague, as well as the ones listed below. Many of them they cannot explain away, but they will avoid them because they do not fit their own man-created theology. What is theology? It's man trying to explain GOD, now, how hilarious is that? Many times in the Hebrew Scriptures, as I call them, as opposed to the Old Testament, which gives us the impression of them being obsolete, GOD sent His prophets to warn his His people that they had committed spiritual adultery mixing in the current pagan religions with the Mosaic Laws GOD gave them. They found no harm in practicing both. Sure, they were GOD's chosen people, so their lives were secure, (or so they thought), but their neighbors religions seemed harmless to them, so they combined them. Eventually both the northern kingdom as well as the southern kingdom (Isreal and Juda) were conquered by those pagans with pagan gods because they would not turn back and obey only YHVH GOD with all their hearts, all their souls, and all their mind. A thorough and clear observation of how GOD dealt with His people throughout the ages will prove that one can be a follower of Jesus and not be saved. One must check their heart of devotion and dedication to the Father, before one uses a safety net with more holes in it than swiss cheese.
Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. 22 Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; leave Me, you who practice lawlessness.

 James 2:14 What use is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone says he has faith, but he has no works? Can that faith save him? 17 In the same way, faith also, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.

Matthew 24: 10 And at that time many will fall away, and they will betray one another and hate one another. 11 And many false prophets will rise up and mislead many people. 12 And because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will become cold. 13 But the one who endures to the end is the one who will be saved.



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