Saturday, March 16, 2024


Age is just a number, right?  Being a single woman in her 50's, I've heard this expression by numerous younger men, too many times to count.  (Pun intended)   Back when I was foolish enough to be looking for my next husband, when I knew my marriage was over, I heard that a lot whenever a man, considerably younger than me, say as an excuse to "get in my pants." I found it ridiculously disrespectful and demeaning from these younger naïve men. Basically, what they were saying was, your wisdom means nothing to me, I just want your sexual prowess and experience. Let me tell you, being a Mama for 31 years, and having to teach my children everything about life, the last thing I want to do is to teach a young arrogant novice about sex. Let him learn the hard way, like I had to, pun intended, again.  Age is not just a number.  It's years of experiences, it's mistakes. It's a learning curve, but more importantly, it's wisdom gained and measured in the numbers of tears from the heartbreaks and victories of life. No younger man is going to write off the wisdom I've gained, nor disrespect it just because he has an "appetite" from his physical carnal flesh, built into him by GOD for three very good reasons.  

The first reason of course would be  for procreation, to populate the earth, fill it and take dominion over the plants and beasts of the planet. The second would be to enjoy a satisfying physical and spiritually intimate relationship with his wife. Sadly, though, as humans, with a little help from the devil, we've turned something beautiful given to us by GOD, into something ugly, violent, disgusting, and degrading.  Isn't that just Satan's way.  He always wants to turn the beautiful things from GOD into something so ugly and deadly.  The two things invented and created by GOD to be beautiful, we humans turn so ugly.  What is the other thing?  Numbers.  They are intricately related, numbers and sex.  We measure sex by numbers and we measure age in numbers. Numbers, such an abstract concept, but something so powerful that we measure everything by it. We measure our weight in numbers, our age, with sex playing an intricate role in both, in human terms.    Some like them older, some prefer them younger, some like them heavier, some like them stick thin.  GOD loves numbers, and He loves sex, because sex produces offspring, and offspring as Psalm 127:1 calls them are a reward from Him, an inheritance.  Blessed is the man whose quiver is full, He says.  Let me tell you, when a soldier went to battle, he didn't go to battle with just 2.5 arrows in his quiver.  A soldier today won't go into battle with 2.5 bullets in his automatic weapon. How can we prove that GOD loves numbers?  First of all, He put in His Word, The Torah, (which means instructions) a book devoted entirely to numbers. There are countless times, pun intended, we can find numbers and tallies, dates, and measures, in His Word. Anyone who is halfway intelligent can tell that GOD loves numbers and finds them extremely useful in proving His existence.        

Numbers aren't physical, they aren't scientific. Sure they are used in science, but they are still just abstract concepts.  The written number is just a symbol of what it means. If we really truly try to define numbers, it's very difficult. Numbers are a measure of quantity.  It is completely a conceptual thing, being that numbers can only originate in the brain.  Who invented numbers as quantity?  Did man? Nope!  Did numbers evolve? Nope, they were just there from the beginning of time, which by the way, is measured in numbers, therefore numbers had to exist outside of time.  Pretty deep, huh?   There is another reason why GOD loves numbers, mathematics.  Mathematics is the only proof of creation by an Intelligent Being that no man can explain away with his vain philosophies.  I recently watched a video, (I'll put a link to it, at the bottom of this blog), which was about the Mandelbrot set. Now, if ever there was proof of creation verses evolution, it's in the Mandelbrot set. Being that I am not a mathematician, I won't try to explain it, but I'll let you watch this most fascinating video. The Mandelbrot set was discovered by mathematicians in the 1980's, and no mathematician can explain it, except that it had to be created by a Mind so far out of human comprehension that no human brain could even conceive of explaining this. This video truly knocked me back a few pegs, wondering how a GOD so HUGE and so Infinite could also be so personal.  So, the third reason GOD invented sex and numbers is to debunk evolution. The two most obvious inventions of GOD that evolution just cannot explain, numbers and sex. All living creatures from plants, to animals, to sea life, to humans have sex. All living creatures are measured by numbers, either in quantity, age, population, or weight. Weight is mass relative to gravitational pull, but again, measured in numbers. So, the next time an evolutionist tries to prove the THEORY of evolution to you, ask him where numbers and sex came from. It will surely stump him and stop him in his tracks.  He cannot explain numbers in evolutionary terms, nor can he explain sex.  One being a physical thing, the other being a conceptual thing.  The Spiritual Realm is another thing evolutionists cannot explain, and age being a physical thing we can measure in time, the spiritual age inside a human is something we cannot count in numbers.  Love is spiritual, hence age makes no difference when it comes to love, it only counts when it comes to wisdom.  Never count out an older person's wisdom!  (Pun most assuredly intended.)

You may want to block out a time in your day when you watch this where you have total concentration, in other words, if you are like me, make sure it is at the peak of your ADHD medication, because it will take that kind of mental energy to understand this.  You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand it, because I understood it.  I tell everyone that I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer. As a matter of fact, the spreading cheese knife laughs at me!   So, here it is.  I promise you, it's worth a watch, it will blow your mind.

Fractals: The Physical World Obeys GOD's Math


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