Monday, March 25, 2024

Anger, Fear, and Greatness

When people get mad at us, it's usually for one of two reasons. Usually, the person is guilty as all hell, and they can't stand the idea of getting caught in their malice. On the other hand, every once in a while, someone will get really angry at us because they know we are right about them, and we just hit a sensitive spot they can't face or won't admit. Sometimes, there is greatness in that person, and they hide from that greatness, not because they hate it, but because they are afraid of it. They are afraid of stepping out in that greatness because they are afraid of failing.

The problem with that is that they don't understand that "failure is the flour in humble pie that GOD uses for their stepping stones to success!" Yes, I made that up, or rather maybe it was inspired by God Himself. Maybe I have a lifetime's supply of that flour of failure, and GOD is using it to keep me humble, lest I think too much of myself. After all, that kind of greatness comes from GOD, and we humans tend to forget that! Then there is another reason they get angry and lash out. Sometimes, they don't know there is greatness in them, and they feel unworthy of that person who received their wrath. Sometimes, they are afraid of failing that person or worse, failing God. They don't seem to understand the conviction of the person who believes in them. Sometimes, in their past, they were traumatized by other people who weren't honest with them. They likely manipulated them with kind words of affirmation to get from them all they could get and then dumped them. Those words of affirmation weren't sincere, they were selfish and self-serving. We can never fail a person who truly believes in us with that much conviction, a conviction and convincing that comes from GOD. There is another thing that they don't understand. There are evil forces working against them, because the devil also sees that greatness and sends his legions of minions to attempt to defeat that person. The devil can never defeat one who is made great by GOD, and we surely never fail GOD because He knows every mistake we will make. After all, He wrote those mistakes in our lives because failure is the flour in the humble pie He shoves down our throats while He takes us on the steps of success.

There is only one way to achieve that greatness, and that is by GOD's Supernatural Hand and in His Perfect timing. If we try to go out on our own, well then that greatness will be our downfall and not something GOD will use to build the Kingdom and others. The only way to understand GOD's plan for our lives and learn how to walk in that greatness is to dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High. It's there that we will find the Supernatural comfort and strength to keep going for years on end, no matter how big of a fluorescent target we have on our backs that keeps the devil and his minions aiming his arrows at us!

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